I will post some of the interesting holiday destinations and tour itinerary I have been visited around the World ! Stay tuned & enjoy for reading and comments !
4D3N Chiangmai+Mix Hill Tribe Village-Chiangrai
Upon arrival, proceed to Royal Flora Ratchaphruek (Royal Flora Garden) which is Chiangmai’s tribute to King Bhumipol in the year of his Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration. The colourful spectacle will showcase 2,200 species of tropical flowers and 2.5 million tropical plants. Royal Flora Ratchaphruek 2006 will be the first and largest international horticultural exposition to be held in Thailand. After then, proceed to visit the exquisite Doi Suthep Temple which located in the west of chiangmai city on Doi Suthep at 929 feet above sea level with a beautiful view of Chiangmai town which can be reached by climbing the steep 300 steps of the winding dragon or by the tram car. After that proceed to have Khantoke Dinner where you can get to know both The Northern Thai food and the Culture passing through the Lanna Style Performances, these will entertained you throughout the dinner time.
After breakfast, proceed to visit Elephant Camp in a Natural Park which has both amazing and amusing performance from the elephants. There are also the elephants for you to ride but at (own expense). Then proceed to visit Human and Snake Fighting Show. After that, proceed to Monkey Show where the monkeys demonstrate with impressive range of talents. Next proceed to visit Mix Hill Tribes Village those place for Long Neck, White Karen, Lahuchibalah, Mong (Meo), Pharong (Long Ears) and continue to visit Orchid & Butterfly Farm. On display are a profusion of blooms of all varieties, shapes, colours and prices from a few baht for the common strains to a few hundred thousand for the rare and exotic species. Next destination will be San Kham Pang Village (Home Industries) which another well-known place in Chiangmai, Thailand. The major traditional handicraft center in Northern of Thailand where you can see Gems Gallery, Honey Shop, Leather Factory, Umbrella and Healthy Food Products as Royal Jelly Bee or Honey, etc.
After breakfast, proceed for a day tour to Chiangrai. Along the way, you will visit Mae Kajan Hot Spring and proceed to the exquisite White Temple (Rong Khun Temple) and The Golden Triangle at its intersection between Mekong River and Kong River, the gate of the borders in Thailand, Burma and Laos. Then you will visit Mae Sai the northernmost town in Thailand. It is separated from Burma only by a bridge. There are many shops selling an assortment of Myanmese shores and souvenirs. After dinner, you will be transferred back to Chiangmai.
After breakfast, you will be free at own leisure until transfer to the airport for your flight back home.
第01天 机场 / 清迈 ( 泰北风味晚餐)
抵达后,前往清迈【皇家植物花园】ratchaphruek ,泰国为庆祝普密蓬国王登基60周年而举办的皇家Ratchaphruek花神节。展示着来自全世界32个国家的知名花卉、园林、艺术,以及相关文化、艺术和建筑风格共有2200种色彩缤纷的热带花卉及250万热带植物。泰国举行的2006年皇家植物ratchaphruek是第一次而规模最大的国际园艺博览会。然后前往参观泰国著名的佛教圣地,海拔929英尺精美的【素贴寺】。游人沿着龙身登 300 多个石阶可到达素贴山山顶看整个清迈市及乡间景致,山顶还有一座巨大的舍利塔,塔身贴满金箔,高耸入云,阳光下灿烂夺目,富丽堂皇。晚餐特别安排【泰北风味餐】,为典型泰国的宫廷晚宴,您可以享受泰国风味的传统美食,欣赏兰娜传统的舞蹈表演。您还可以在此放孔明灯,有时您还能欣赏到天灯齐放的美景。
第02天 清迈 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
早餐后前往,前往【大象營】,大象训练营有大象杂技表演,游客亦可自费骑大象背上的木椅内沿山谷走一回,骑乘时有专业的训象师随行,这里专门传授大象对森林的适应能力。之后,您可自费骑大象赏景,享受骑象的新鲜感,显得更加刺激。接着观看惊心动魄的【人蛇表演】及【猴子表演】。之后到【少数民族乡村】,有长颈族, 长耳族,白甲良,苗族,拉蒙族,观看村里保留各各民族传统的服饰及生活习惯。然后继续到兰花&蝴蝶园,泰国兰花栽培基地和批发中心。这里兰花品种繁多,色彩缤纷绚丽,种植园内还有大型的蝴蝶培育基地。可以在此欣赏各式各样的四季兰花和兰花品种让您耳目一新。随后到【三甘烹村】(家庭工业) ,是泰国清迈另一个著名的景点。主要是泰国北部制造传统手工艺中心,可在此购买蜂蜜,燕窝,纸伞,皮克等。
第03天 清迈 - 清莱 - 清迈 (早餐 /午餐 /晚餐)
前往清莱,途中经温泉地带( Mae Kajan Hotspring ) ,也可在此泡脚,后往参观世界唯一【玻璃白庙】(Rong Khun temple or White temple )。寺庙的设计者是泰国的视觉艺术家及画家Chalermchai Kosipipat。庙名因其独特的白色设计主题,白色玻璃材料,奇特的设计元素而闻名。白色意欲圣洁的菩萨,白色的玻璃是他的智慧照耀世上每一个人。之后,參观泰国北端湄公河和博河的交会点的【金三角】,此乃泰、缅、寮三国交界的门户。划分了三个国家的土地,原来这一带是生产毒品的基地,而今已成为旅游胜地。接着到【美赛市】(Mae Sai)泰国最北的泰,甸交界小城市,接近橋头的大街兩旁,擺滿各式各樣出售两个国家的纪念品,有众多的旅游商店,非常热闹。晚餐后乘车返回清迈。
第04天 清迈/ 机场 (早餐)