I will post some of the interesting holiday destinations and tour itinerary I have been visited around the World ! Stay tuned & enjoy for reading and comments !
8天7晚 张家界-长沙-凤凰城
8天7晚 张家界-长沙-凤凰城
行 程 特 色 **全程入住4+5星级酒店**
第一天 吉隆坡 广州 长沙 (机上用餐/晚餐)
• 由吉隆坡国际机场飞往广州。抵达广州后,乘搭高铁前往长沙。长沙是中国首批历史文化名城之一,有着悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。
第二天 长沙 – 韶山 - 常德 (早/午/晚餐)
• 参观毛泽东故居。在此,展出文物和资料、历史照片、雕塑、场景复原等。续参观毛泽东文化馆及铜像广场。了解中国开国主席毛泽东成长的历史以及了解中国红色旅游的盛况。
• 世界最长诗墙,是2.92公里长的防洪墙,也是世界最长的诗、书、画、刻艺术墙,获“吉尼斯之最”。
• 洞庭湖明珠之称的柳叶湖。
• 您可在常德步行街购买当地纪念品和品尝道地美食。
第三天 常德 - 凤凰古城 (早/午/晚餐)
• 畅游中国最美丽的小城之一的“凤凰古城”。它是一座国家历史文化名城,它位于沱江之畔,群山环抱,被称赞为中国最美丽的小城。古城风景秀丽,历史悠久,名胜古迹甚多。您可以步行游览沱江风光、吊脚楼、北门城楼、虹桥风雨楼、石板商业街等景点。
第四天 凤凰古城 - 张家界 (早/午/晚餐)
• 天门山风景区,天门山是张家界永定区海拔最高的山,因自然奇观天门洞而得名。天门山古称嵩梁山,又名云梦山、方壶山,是张家界最早载入史册的名山。乘坐亚洲最长的索道上山。天门洞南北对开于千寻素壁之上,气势磅礴,巍峨高绝,是罕见的高海拔穿山溶洞,更是尽显造化神奇的冠世奇观。此外,您还有机会上天梯,感受每当雨前雨后水汽充沛天门洞风云激荡,蒸腾的雾气就像一条白色的巨龙在洞里洞外盘旋翻飞,形成独特而壮观的“天门吐雾”之时,九百九十九级上天梯整个都笼罩在云雾缭绕中,仙气十足,故此上天梯又得名“悬梯浮岚”。(含上下缆车)
• 军声画院,是一座艺术宫殿3000平方米的三层展厅内,陈列着一件件以砂石画为主的系列艺术作品。
• 了解茶艺文化
第五天 张家界 (早/午/晚餐)
• 搭乘有世界第一梯之称,少见的户外电梯百龙天梯上山,以“世界最高的户外观光电梯、世界上载重量最大、速度最快的客运电梯”三项独步全球,可以前往参观阿凡达哈利路亚山仙境。沿途欣赏迷魂台、袁家界景区、然后沿途经御笔峰,三座石峰直指云天,高低参差有致,极像一排倒插的毛笔,后于山上参观贺龙公园。贺龙铜像下的山谷就是武陵源的绝景─西海峰林。并在天子山乘搭缆车下山。
• 三步一景、五步一绝的十里画廊(含往返小火车),这一条路上风景相连,宛如一卷秀美的山水画。参观景点里的采药老人,三姐妹峰等。
• 参观丝绸店
第六天 张家界 (早/午/晚餐)
• 中国第一个国家森林公园,里面有潺潺溪水的金鞭溪大峡谷,还有群峰环抱,四水争流的水绕四门。
• 参观被洞专家称赞为“世界溶洞奇葩”,是中国最大,最古老的溶洞之一的龙王洞。龙王洞也是中国4A级旅游区之一。
• 湘绣研究所 《三湘丝苑》,是一座展示湘绣历史与技艺的专业性博物馆。此处介绍湘绣发展的历程和当代精美绝伦的作品,向世人展示了刺绣艺术新的风采。
• 参观珠宝店
• 参观刀具店
第七天 张家界–长沙 (早/午/晚餐)
• 船游世界自然遗产之一和被称为“世界湖泊经典”的宝峰湖。此处是一座罕见的高峡平湖,被誉为“人间瑶池” 是山水风景的杰作。
• 长沙简牍博物馆, 是一座集简牍收藏、保护、整理、研究和陈列展示于一体的新型现代化专题博物馆。
• 黄兴路步行街是集娱乐,文化,购物等为一体的大型综合场所。
第八天 长沙 广州 吉隆坡 (早/机上用餐)
• 早餐后,送往机场乘搭客机带着难忘的心情返回甜蜜的家园。
加点:RMB 450/人
Country Citizen Enter Japan Without Applying Visa
Below country citizen can enter Japan without applying visa.
1) Australia 澳洲
2) Andorra 安道耳
3) Austria 奥地利
4) Argentina 阿根廷
5) Brunei 汶莱
6) Belgium 比利时
7) British Citizen 英国
8) Bahamas 巴哈马
9) Barbados 巴巴多斯
10) Croatia 克罗地亚
11) Cyprus 赛浦路斯
12) Czech 捷克
13) Canada 加拿大
14) Chili 智利
15) Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加
16) Colombia 哥伦比亚
17) Denmark 丹麦
18) Republic of Dominica 多明尼加
19) Estonia 爱沙尼亚
20) El Salvador 撒尔瓦多
21) Finland 芬兰
22) France 法国
23) Germany 德国
24) Greece 希腊
25) Guatemala 危地马拉
26) Holland 荷兰
27) Hong Kong 香港
28) Hungary 匈牙利
29) Honduras 洪都拉斯
30) Israel 以色列
31) Iceland 冰岛
32) Ireland 爱尔兰
33) Italy 意大利
34) Lesotho 莱索托
35) Luxembourg 芦森堡
36) Liechtenstein 列兹登士敦
37) Mauritius 毛里裘斯
38) Macedonian 马其顿
39)Malta 马尔他
40) Monaco 摩纳哥
41) Mexico 墨西哥
42) New Zealand 钮西兰
43) Norway 挪威
44) Poland 波兰
45) Portugal 葡萄牙
46) Singapore 新加坡
47) San Marino 圣玛利诺
48) Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚
49)Spain 西班牙
50) Sweden 瑞典
51) Switzerland 瑞士
52) Surinam 苏里南
53) Turkey 土耳其
54) Tunisia 突尼西亚
55) Uruguay 乌拉圭
56) U.S.A. 美国
The below information retrieve from the the following website:
適用對象 一、澳大利亞(Australia)、奧地利(Austria)、比利時(Belgium)、保加利亞(Bulgaria)、加拿大(Canada)、賽普勒斯(Cyprus)、捷克(Czech Republic)、丹麥(Denmark)、愛沙尼亞(Estonia)、芬蘭(Finland)、法國(France)、德國(Germany)、希臘(Greece)、匈牙利(Hungary)、冰島(Iceland)、愛爾蘭(Ireland)、以色列(Israel)、義大利(Italy)、日本(Japan)、韓國(Republic of Korea)、拉脫維亞(Latvia)、列支敦斯登(Liechtenstein)、立陶宛(Lithuania)、盧森堡(Luxembourg)、馬來西亞(Malaysia)、馬爾他(Malta)、摩納哥(Monaco)、荷蘭(Netherlands)、紐西蘭(New Zealand)、挪威(Norway)、波蘭(Poland))、葡萄牙(Portugal)、羅馬尼亞(Romania)、新加坡(Singapore)、斯洛伐克(Slovakia)、斯洛維尼亞(Slovenia)、西班牙(Spain)、瑞典(Sweden)、瑞士(Switzerland)、英國(U.K.)、美國(U.S.A.)、梵蒂岡城國(Vatican City State)等42國旅客。
◎ 九十天免簽證適用國家:(共37國)
4天3晚 河内/下龙湾一日游
T/Code: HHB 04
第一天 : 飞往河内 (-)
第二天 : 河内-下龙湾-河内 (早/午餐)
早餐后,乘车(约四个小时的车程)前往在广宁省的下龙湾市,下龙湾在一九九四年已获得联合国科教文公认为世界天然之遗产,为越南著名岛屿风景区。 沿途旅客可观览到越南北部各省农村淳朴之风景。低达后,乘船享用午餐。 餐后,环游素有“海上桂林”之称的下龙湾,自海中凸出之奇形异状的天然巨石,冠为奇观。乘船漫游近四小时,沿途参观天宫洞和藏木洞。下午乘车返回河内。
第三天 : 河内 (早/午餐)
第四天 : 启程回国 (早餐)
5天4晚 河内/下龙湾-三谷碧洞
T/Code : HHB 05
第一天 : 飞往河内 (-)
第二天 : 河内-下龙湾-河内 (早/午餐)
早餐后,乘车(约四个小时的车程)前往在广宁省的下龙湾市,下龙湾在一九九四年已获得联合国科教文公认为世界天然之遗产,为越南著名岛屿风景区。 沿途旅客可观览到越南北部各省农村淳朴之风景。低达后,乘船享用午餐。 餐后,环游素有“海上桂林”之称的下龙湾,自海中凸出之奇形异状的天然巨石,冠为奇观。乘船漫游近四小时,沿途参观天宫洞和藏木洞。下午乘车返回河内。
第三天 : 河内/三谷碧洞/河内 (早/午餐)
第四天 : 河内 (早/午餐)
第五天 : 启程回国 (早餐)
4天3晚 胡志明市/古志地道/美拖 (湄公河流域)
T/Code: HCM 04
第一天 : 飞往胡志明市 (-)
第二天 : 胡志明市/古志地道/胡志明市 (早餐)
早餐后,乘车(约一个半小时的车程)前往闻名世界的越战遗迹─古芝地道,此地道长逾200 公里,为越南抗美时期的越共游击队之地下根据地。游客至此可亲身感受到越共打游击战之苦,並体验战争现场的气氛。完毕后,返回胡志明市。之后接往市内观光 : 已有百年历史的红教堂(圣母大教堂),法式建筑的邮政大楼,市政厅和战争博物馆。
第三天 : 胡志明市/美拖/胡志明市 (早/午餐)
早餐后,乘车(约两个小时的车程)前往距离胡志明市75 公里的美拖市,沿途可欣赏郊区及湄公河平原区沿岸两旁青绿一片的丰饶稻田。 抵达美拖后,乘船游湄公河,参观泰山岛及在水果园品尝越南之特产时节水果,并欣赏当地传统民谣等。之后参观生产椰子糖工厂、岛上居民区、手工艺品加工处、养蜜蜂处和品尝蜜糖茶。然后乘坐小船沿小河畅游再转接大船返回岸。午餐后,乘车返回胡志明市,夜宿酒店。
第四天 : 启程回国 (早餐)
Vietnam Seat-In-Tour (English Itinerary)
4天3晚 河内/下龙湾一日游
T/Code: HHB 04
Upon arrival at Noi Bai Airport, meet & transfer to hotel.
After breakfast, 7:30 depart to Halong Bay, 11:30 arrival in Halong. Lunch on boat. A cruise on the Boat for about 4 hours. Marvel at the scenery, explore Thien Cung & Dau Go Caves. 4:30pm back to Hanoi. Arrival Hanoi city about at 7:30pm.
After breakfast, visit Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, One Pillar Pagoda, Tran Quoc Pagoda. After lunch, visit Temple of Literature & the Ethnologic Hoan Kiem Lake.
After breakfast, free at leisure then transfer to the airport for your flight home.
5天4晚 河内/下龙湾/三谷碧洞
T/Code : HHB 05
Upon arrival at Noi Bai Airport, meet & transfer to hotel.
After breakfast, 7:30 depart to Halong Bay, 11:30 arrival in Halong. Lunch on boat. A cruise on the boat for about 4 hours. Marvel at the scenery, explore Thien Cung & Dau Go Caves, 4:30pm back to Hanoi. Arrival Hanoi city about at 7:30pm.
After breakfast, transfer to Ninh Binh, 100km down the south of Hanoi to see Hoa Lu Citadel, the first capital of Vietnam in the 10th century with visiting 2 temples of the Dinh King & the Le King. After lunch, have a 2 & half an hour rowing boat trip along the shallow paddies rice to enjoy the landscape of Tam Coc, the “Landing Halong Long Bay” passing underneath of 3 caves (Hang Ga, Hang Hai, Hang Ba) about at 3:00pm return to Ha Noi City.
After breakfast, visit Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, One Pillar Pagoda, Tran Quoc Pagoda, after lunch, visit Temple of Literature & the Ethnologic Hoan Kiem Lake.
After breakfast, free at leisure then transfer to the airport for your flight home.
4天3晚 胡志明市/古志地道 / 美拖 (湄公河流域)
T/Code: HCM 04
Upon arrival at Tan Son Nhat Airport, meet & transfer to hotel.
Breakfast in hotel. Morning proceed to Cu Chi Tunnels – a network of tunnels more than 200 km long and 3 – 8 m deep, Which was being used during the VN-USA war. There is now little evidence to indicate the intense fighting, bombing & destruction that went on in Cu Chi during the war, back to Saigon around 1:30pm. 2:00pm transfer visit to Reunification Hall, Notre Dame Cathedral, General post Office, City Hall, War Museum. Finish at 5:00pm
After breakfast, depart for My Tho at 8:30, about 75km from the city, boat excursion to cruise on The Mekong Delta, visit floating fish market, row-boat ride along small creeks to Mekong River estuary, use motorizes boat ride to Con Phung (Phoenix Island) . Vietnamese lunch at local restaurant. After lunch, visit the manufacture od handicraft made from Coconut trees. Motorized boat cruise along natural creek sand quiet village in Ben Tre Province. Visit orchards, bee-keeping farm, taste natural honey & honey wine, enjoy tropical fruit, traditional music (free of charge), visit round a distillery, see coconut candy production process, taste candy & coconut pulp. Then transfer back to Ho Chi Minh City about at 7:00pm.
Breakfast in hotel. Free at leisure till time transfer to airport for your flight home. Home sweet home.
*** All the above tours are based on Seat-In-Coach Tour ***
Above itinerary for information only. Final & Confirmation based on Local arrangement.
Cambodia SIC Tour - English Itinerary
3D2N Siem Reap / Angkor Wat
三天两夜柬埔寨 - 暹粒(吴哥窟)
DAY 01: Arrival Siem Reap (REP) (D )
Arrival Siem Reap airport, meet and transfer to hotel. Afternoon, visit Les Artisan D’Angkor - an handicraft center. Continue visit Wat Bo founded in the 18th century, a large highly respected pagoda contains very unique wall paintings of the Reamker (Ramajana). Then proceed to Bakeng Hill, you can view sunset and beautiful scenery of Angkor Wat. Dinner at local restaurant.
DAY 02: Siem Reap – Angkor Wat ( B/ L/ D )
Breakfast at hotel. Morning tour start visit the South Gate of Angkor Thom – Bayon, Phimeanakas, Elephant Terrance, Terrance of the Leper King, & Taprohm Temple. After lunch, continue visit Chao Say Devoda, Thommanon, Banteay Kdey, Srah Srong and the grand temple - Angkor Wat. Buffet dinner and enjoy the Cambodia Cultural Dance Show.
DAY 03: Siem Reap / Departure Transfer ( B )
Breakfast at hotel. Free leisure until time transfer to airport for departure flight .and bringing with you sweet memories of an enjoyable holiday with us.
4D3N Angkor Wonder / Tonle Sap
四天三夜柬埔寨 - 暹粒(吴哥窟)
DAY 01: Arrival Siem Reap (REP) (D )
Arrival REP Airport, meet & transfer to hotel. Afternoon, visit Les Artisan D’Angkor an handicraft center. Continue visit Wat Bo founded in the 18th century, a large highly respected pagoda contains very unique wall paintings of the Reamker (Ramajana).Then proceed to Bakeng Hill.
DAY 02: Siem Reap – Angkor Wat (B/ L/D )
Breakfast at hotel. Morning tour start visit the South Gate of Angkor Thom – Bayon, Phimeanakas, Elephant Terrance, Terrance of the Leper King,&Taprohm Temple. Continue visit Chao Say Devoda, Thommanon, Banteay Kdey, Srah Srong and the grand temple - Angkor Wat. Buffet dinner & enjoy the Cambodia Cultural Dance Show.
DAY 03: Siem Reap –Tonle Sap Lake ( B/ L/ D )
Breakfast at hotel, Morning tour proceed to Tonle Sap Lake – the world second large lake, take boat ride along the river and can see the floating village life. After lunch, continues visit Angkor Silk Farm, 16KM from Siem Reap. Free time for market shopping. Dinner at local restaurant.
DAY 04: Siem Reap / Departure Transfer ( B )
Breakfast at hotel. Departure airport transfer is provided.
4D3N Siem Reap / Phnom Penh
四天三夜柬埔寨 - 暹粒(吴哥窟) / 金边
DAY 01: Arrival Siem Reap (REP) ( D )
Arrival REP Airport, meet & transfer to hotel. Afternoon, visit Les Artisan D’Angkor - an handicraft center. Continue visit Wat Bo founded in the 18th century, a large highly respected pagoda contains very unique wall paintings of the Reamker (Ramajana). Then proceed to Bakeng Hill. Dinner at local restaurant.
DAY 02: Siem Reap – Angkor Wat (B/ L/D )
Breakfast at hotel. Morning tour start visit the South Gate of Angkor Thom – Bayon, Phimeanakas, Elephant Terrance, Terrance of the Leper King, & Taprohm Temple. Continue visit Chao Say Devoda, Thommanon, Banteay Kdey, Srah Srong and the grand temple - Angkor Wat. Buffet dinner & enjoy the Cambodia Cultural Dance Show.
DAY 03: Siem Reap/ Phnom Penh (PNH) ( B /L /D )
Breakfast at hotel, proceed to PNH by public express bus or private coach (around 5hrs). Arrival PNH, you’ll be met by local tour guide and lunch at local restaurant.After lunch, tour begin visits with Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda, Wat Phnom, Independence Monument and visit Naga World Resorts which is the Cambodia biggest International Casino. Dinner at local restaurant.
DAY 04: Phnom Penh / Departure Transfer ( B )
Breakfast at hotel. Free leisure until time transfer to airport for departure flight.
5D4N Siem Reap / Phnom Penh
五天四夜柬埔寨 - 暹粒(吴哥窟) / 金边
DAY 01: Arrival Siem Reap (REP) ( D )
Arrival REP Airport, meet & transfer to hotel. Afternoon, visit Les Artisan D’Angkor - an handicraft center. Continue visit Wat Bo. Then proceed to Bakeng Hill. Dinner at local restaurant.
DAY 02: Siem Reap – Angkor Wat (B/ L/D )
Breakfast at hotel. Morning tour start visit the South Gate of Angkor Thom – Bayon, Phimeanakas, Elephant Terrance, Terrance of the Leper King, & Taprohm Temple. Continue visit Chao Say Devoda, Thommanon, Banteay Kdey, Srah Srong and the grand temple - Angkor Wat. Buffet dinner & enjoy the Cambodia Cultural Dance Show.
DAY 03: Siem Reap / Phnom Penh(B/L/D)
Breakfast at hotel, proceed to PNH by public express bus or private coach (around 5hrs). Arrival PNH, you’ll be met by local tour & lunch at local restaurant. Visit Independence Monument, Victory Monument and Naga Resort & Casino. Dinner wt local restaurant.
DAY 04: Phnom Penh ( B/ L/ D )
Morning tour begin with visit Wat Phnom, Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda & Russian Market; Central Market (or Phar Thmey). After lunch, continues visit Toul Sleng the Genocide Museum which is displays items of the inhuman acts of Pol Pot, Wat Phnom, Daun Penh Status. Then continue to visit Central Market. Dinner at local restaurant.
DAY 05: Phnom Penh / Departure Transfer (B)
5D4N Cambodia – Phnom Penh / Siem Reap
T/code: RPS05
五天四夜柬埔寨 -金边 / 暹粒(吴哥窟)
DAY 01: Arrival Phnom Penh (PNH) ( D )
Upon arrival at Cambodia Phnom Penh Int’l Airport, meet & transfer to hotel. Tour start visit Independence Monument, Victory Monument, Naga Resorts which is the Cambodia biggest International Casino. Dinner at local restaurant.
DAY 02: Phnom Penh (PNH) ( B /L/ D )
Breakfast at hotel, Morning tour begin with visit Wat Phnom, Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda, and Russian Market. After lunch, continues visit Toul Sleng the Genocide Museum which is displays items of the inhuman acts of Pol Pot, Wat Phnom, Daun Penh Status, then continue to Central Market to shop until your drop. Dinner at local restaurant.
DAY 03: Phnom Penh (PNH) / Siem Reap (REP) ( B/ L/ D )
Breakfast at hotel, Morning proceed to Siem Reap Province by public express bus or private coach (around 5hrs). Arrival REP, lunch at local restaurant. After lunch, tour start visit LES ARTISAN D’ANGKOR, an handicraft center and Wat Bo. Lastly, proceed to Bakeng Hill, you can view sunset and beautiful scenery of Angkor Wat. Buffet dinner and enjoy the Cambodia Cultural Dance Show.
DAY 04: Siem Reap (REP) – Angkor Wat ( B/ L/ D )
Breakfast at hotel, Morning tour start visit the South Gate of Angkor Thom – Bayon, Phimeanakas, Elephant Terrance & Terrance of the Leper King, & Taprohm Temple. After lunch, continue visit Chao Say Devoda, Thommanon, Banteay Kdey, Srah Srong and the grand temple - Angkor Wat. Buffet dinner and enjoy the Cambodia Cultural Dance Show.
DAY 05: Siem Reap (REP) / Departure Transfer ( B )
Breakfast at hotel. Free leisure until time transfer to airport for departure flight and bringing with you sweet memories of an enjoyable holiday with us.
Notice : Above itinerary for information only. Final & Confirmation based on Local arrangement.
Cambodia Seat-In-Tour - Chinese Itinerary
三天两夜 柬埔寨 - 暹粒(吴哥窟)
第一天 : 抵达暹粒 ( 晚餐 )
抵达柬埔寨暹粒后由导游接往住宿酒店登记. 下午参观阿迪珊雕刻学院和手工艺品中心购物, 之后参观帛寺。随之乘车前往巴肯山欣赏美丽夕阳, 吴哥窟美景一览无遗. 自助晚餐以及欣赏柬埔寨民族舞蹈表演. 晚餐于当地餐馆.
第二天 : 暹粒 - 吴哥窟( 早 午 晚餐 )
早餐于酒店后, 早上团体开始参观大吴哥的南城门, 巴杨庙, 空中宫殿, 塔普伦殿, 斗象台和悦兵台. 午餐后, 继续参观周萨神殿, 塔玛侬庙, 古代法院和古代圣池 - 小吴哥庙. 自助晚餐以及欣赏柬埔寨民族舞蹈表演.
第三天 : 启程回国 ( 早餐 )
早餐于酒店后, 由专人送往机场启程回国. 结束三天愉快的柬埔寨旅程.
四天三夜 暹粒(吴哥窟) / 洞里萨湖
第一天 : 抵达暹粒 ( 晚餐 )
抵达柬埔寨暹粒后由导游接往住宿酒店登记.下午参观阿迪珊雕刻学院和手工艺品中心购物, 之后参观帛寺。随之乘车前往巴肯山欣赏美丽夕阳, 吴哥窟美景一览无遗. 晚餐于当地餐馆.
第二天 : 暹粒 - 吴哥窟 ( 早 午 晚餐 )
早餐后, 团体开始参观大吴哥的南城门, 巴杨庙, 空中宫殿, 塔普伦殿, 斗象台和悦兵台. 午餐后, 继续参观周萨神殿, 塔玛侬庙, 古代法院和古代圣池 - 小吴哥庙. 自助晚餐以及欣赏柬埔寨民族舞蹈表演.
第三天 : 暹粒市 ( 早 午 晚餐 )
早餐于酒店后, 早上团体乘船游览洞里萨湖(世界第二大的淡水湖), 观赏当地水上人家的生活起居. 午餐后, 继续参观吴哥养蚕场, 之后 到当地市场逛街购物. 晚餐于当地餐馆.
第四天 : 启程回国 ( 早餐 )
早餐后, 由专人送往机场启程回国. 结束愉快的柬埔寨旅程.
四天三夜 柬埔寨 - 暹粒(吴哥窟) / 金边
第一天 : 抵达暹粒 ( 晚餐 )
抵达柬埔寨暹粒后由导游接往住宿酒店登记. 下午参观阿迪珊雕刻学院和手工艺品中心购物, 之后参观帛寺。随之乘车前往巴肯山欣赏美丽夕阳, 吴哥窟美景一览无遗. 晚餐于当地餐馆.
第二天 : 暹粒 - 吴哥窟 ( 早 午 晚餐 )
早餐于酒店后, 早上团体开始参观大吴哥的南城门, 巴杨庙, 空中宫殿, 塔普伦殿, 斗象台和悦兵台. 午餐后, 继续参观周萨神殿, 塔玛侬庙, 古代法院和古代圣池 - 小吴哥庙. 自助晚餐以及欣赏柬埔寨民族舞蹈表演.
第三天 : 暹粒 / 金边 ( 早 午 晚餐 )
早餐于酒店后, 早上团体搭乘公车前往柬埔寨首都 - 金边市 (大概5个小时). 抵达金边后由导游送往住宿酒店登记. 午餐后, 下午团体开始参观柬埔寨皇宫, 银阁寺, 塔子山, 以及独立记念碑, 接着参观柬埔寨最大的国际赌场 – NAGA WORLD. 晚餐于当地餐厅.
第四天 : 启程回国 ( 早餐 )
早餐于酒店后, 由专人送往机场启程回国. 结束四天愉快的柬埔寨旅程.
五天四夜 柬埔寨 - 暹粒(吴哥窟) / 金边
第一天 : 抵达暹粒 ( 晚餐 )
抵达柬埔寨暹粒后由导游接往住宿酒店登记. 早上团体开始参观新寺庙, 往帛寺. 午餐后, 继续参观阿迪珊雕刻学院和手工艺品中心购物, 随之乘车前往巴肯山欣赏美丽夕阳, 吴哥窟美景一览无遗. 自助晚餐以及欣赏柬埔寨民族舞蹈表演.
第二天 : 暹粒 - 吴哥窟 ( 早 午 晚餐 )
早餐后, 早上团体开始参观大吴哥的南城门, 巴杨庙, 空中宫殿, 塔普伦殿, 斗象台和悦兵台. 午餐后, 继续参观周萨神殿, 塔玛侬庙, 古代法院和古代圣池 - 小吴哥庙. 晚餐后到暹粒夜市购物逛街.
第三天 : 暹粒 / 金边 ( 早 午 晚餐 )
早餐后, 搭乘豪华空调公车前往柬埔寨首都 - 金边市 (大概5个小时). 抵达金边后由导游接往当地餐厅用午餐,然后送往住宿酒店登记. 下午参观独立记念碑, 胜利记念碑, 接着参观柬埔寨最大的国际赌场 – NAGA WORLD.晚餐于当地餐厅.
第四天 : 金边市 ( 早 午 晚餐 )
早餐后, 早上团体开始参观塔子山,柬埔寨皇宫, 银阁寺, 接着逛苏联市场。午餐后, 继续参观波尔布罪恶馆, 随之前往中央市场(又名新街市)场尽情购物. 晚餐于当地餐厅.
第五天 : 启程回国 ( 早餐 )
早餐于酒店后, 由专人送往机场启程回国. 结束愉快的柬埔寨旅程.
五天四夜 柬埔寨 -金边 / 暹粒(吴哥窟)
T/code: RPS05
第一天 : 抵达金边 ( 晚餐 )
抵达柬埔寨首都- 金边国际机场后, 由导游迎接送往住宿酒店登记. 团体开始参观独立记念碑, 胜利记念碑, 柬埔寨最大的国际赌场 NAGA WORLD. 晚餐于当地餐厅.
第二天 : 金边市 ( 早 午 晚餐 )
早餐于酒店后, 早上团体开始参观柬埔寨皇宫, 银阁寺, 接着逛苏联市场. 午餐后, 继续参观波尔布罪恶馆, 塔子山, 边婆遗像, 随之前往中央市场(又名新街市)尽情购物. 晚餐于当地餐厅.
第三天 : 金边 / 暹粒 ( 早 午 晚餐 )
早餐于酒店后, 早上搭乘豪华空调公车前往暹粒省(大概5个小时). 抵达暹粒后由导游送往住宿酒店登记. 午餐后, 开始参观阿迪珊雕刻学院和手工艺品中心购物, 之后参观帛寺。随之乘车前往巴肯山欣赏美丽夕阳, 吴哥窟美景一览无遗。晚餐于当地餐馆.
第四天 : 暹粒 - 吴哥窟 ( 早 午 晚餐 )
早餐于酒店后, 早上团体开始参观大吴哥的南城门, 巴杨庙, 空中宫殿, 塔普伦殿, 斗象台和悦兵台. 午餐后, 继续参观周萨神殿, 塔玛侬庙, 古代法院和古代圣池 - 小吴哥庙. 自助晚餐以及欣赏柬埔寨民族舞蹈表演.
第五天 : 启程回国 ( 早餐 )
早餐于酒店后, 由导游送往机场启程回国. 结束五天愉快的柬埔寨旅程.
备注 : 以上行程只供参考, 一切以当地旅社安排为准 .
8D7N Vientiane-Xieng Khouang-Luang Prabang
8 Days 7 Nights Vientiane – Xieng Khouang – Luang Prabang (2 domestic flight)
Day 01 Kuala Lumpur – Vientiane (AK612 KUL/VTE 1510/1645) (No Meal)
Upon arrival at Wattay Int’l Airport, you will be met and greet by local guide (English Speaking) and transfer to hotel for check-in. Free at own leisure.
Hotel: Lao Orchid Hotel (3*)
Day 02 Vientiane – Xieng Khouang (By Air) (QV401 VTE-XKH 1300/1330) (B/D)
After breakfast in hotel, morning free at own leisure till you transfer to the airport for your domestic flight to Xieng Khouang. Upon arrival, we transfer out to visit the Plain of Jars, an impressive archaeological site where hundreds of large stone jars are littered all over the plateau. We also have time, this afternoon seeing the old capital of Muang Khoun Province and the nearby village, home to the Hmong Hill tribe and Tai Dam people. They have an interesting local culture and colorful history. Set dinner will be served at local restaurant. Overnight in Phonsavanh.
Hotel : Vansana Plains of Jars Hotel (2.5*)
Note: QV- Lao Airlines
Day 03 Xieng Khouang – Luang Prabang (By Road) (B/L/D)
After breakfast in hotel, early morning we visit the Central Market of Phonsavanh to watch the different hill tribe people barter and exchange merchandises. We then head out towards Luang Prabang. En route we stop off to see the Buddha images in Thampra, a site more than 200 years old, and various Hmong and hill tribe minority villages along the way. After a photo stop, we continue driving uphill, enjoying the splendid natural scenery of the mountains, the forest & landscape. The journey will take us over mountainous regions until we approach Luang Prabang, one of the most beautiful traditional towns in Asia. We proceed to Phousi Hill with 328 steps leads to the summit that offers a stunning panoramic view of the surrounding rivers and cityscape. Overnight in Luang Prabang.
Hotel : Villa Senesouk (Deluxe Twin Room at Extended Building) (2*)
Day 04 Luang Prabang - PAK OU CAVE (Boat Trip) –Luang Prabang (L/D)
Morning boat cruise along the Mekong River to Pak Ou Caves, where you will discover gold-lacquered Buddha statues of all shapes and sizes nestled deep in the limestone caverns. Embark on a cultural tour of Luang Prabang in the afternoon, in which you will visit the Royal Palace, now National Museum, before exploring the gilded temples such as Wat Visoun, the 16th century temple, a museum for religious artifacts; Wat Xiengthong, the 16th century temple which epitomizes the elegance and grace of Luang Prabang architecture; Wat Aham, the early 19th century temple. Continue Dinner at local restaurant. Overnight in Luang Prabang.
Hotel : Villa Senesouk (Deluxe Twin Room at Extended Building) (2*)
Day 05 Luang Prabang – Free Day (No Meal)
Today is free day for you to explore on yourself the ancient first capital of Lane Xang kingdom, the center of religious life in Laos and today known as the World Heritage City.
Hotel : Villa Senesouk (Deluxe Twin Room at Extended Building) (2*)
Day 06 Luang Prabang – Vientiane (By Air) (QV110 LPQ-VTE 1040/1120) (L/D)
Morning you will transfer to the airport for your domestic flight to Vientiane. Upon arrival, you will be met by local tour guide and transfer to local restaurant for set lunch. After lunch, discover the quiet charm of this Lao capital city at Wat Sisaket with the hundreds of Buddha statues nestled in the temple walls and Vat Ho Phra Keo, the temple that once housed the sacred "Emerald Buddha". Then ascend the steps up to Patuxai, Vientiane's own Arc de Triomphe for a spectacular view over a city that has almost no high-rise buildings before heading to That Luang, the cultural icon of Vientiane. Set Dinner will served at local restaurant.
Hotel: Lao Orchid Hotel (3*)
Day 07 Vientiane – Free Day (B) Hotel: Lao Orchid Hotel (3*)
After breakfast in hotel, today is free day for you to explore this charming city on yourself.
Day 08 Vientiane – Kuala Lumpur (B) (AK613 VTE/KUL 1710/2045)
After breakfast, free at own leisure till you will transfer to Wattay Int’l Airport for your flight back to Kuala Lumpur.
3D2N Redang Laguna Island Resort (Deluxe Package)
Itinerary - 3 Days 2 Nights Deluxe Package
Day 1 Arrival By flight/coach/self drive
9:30am/12.30pm Airport or bus terminal pick up/Transfer to Jetty for registration (boarding pass)
Boat transfer to Laguna Redang
Meet & briefing at Arrival Hall
Welcome drink served
12.00nn-2.30pm Buffet lunch at Sang Suria Restaurant
2.00pm Check in
2.30pm Assemble at Recreation Centre for Short Briefing
3.00pm Depart for Snorkeling trip
7.00pm-9.30pm Buffet/BBQ Dinner at Sang Suria Restaurant
Day 2
7.00am-10.00am Buffet breakfast at Sang Suria Restaurant
9.00am Assemble at Recreation Centre for Short Briefing
9.30am Depart for Snorkeling Trip
12.00nn-2.30pm Buffet lunch at Sang Suria Restaurant
2.30pm Assemble at Recreation Centre for Short Briefing
3.00pm Depart for Snorkeling Trip
7.00pm-9.30pm Buffet/BBQ Dinner at Sang Suria Restaurant
Day 3
7.00am-10.00am Buffet breakfast at Sang Suria Restaurant
9.00am/12.00pm Check out/Boat transfer to Jetty
Boat Schedule Jetty – Resort Boat Schedule Resort – Jetty
1st trip 9.30 am
( First come First serve ) 1st trip 9.00 am
2nd trip 12.30 pm
( First come First serve ) 2nd trip 12.00 pm
7D6N Lampang-Sukhothai-Phitsanulok-Phayao-Chiangrai+Chaingmai
Upon arrival, proceed to Royal Flora Ratchaphruek (Royal Flora Garden) which is Chiangmai’s tribute to King Bhumipol in the year of his Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration. The colourful spectacle will showcase 2,200 species of tropical flowers and 2.5 million tropical plants. Royal Flora Ratchaphruek 2006 will be the first and largest international horticultural exposition to be held in Thailand. After that you will visit enshrine Doi Suthep Temple which is located at 929 feet above sea level with a beautiful view of Chiangmai town which can be reached by climbing the steep 300 steps of the winding dragon or by the tram car. Its encroaching frosted hill can be enjoyed from the temple compound for those who visit Chiangmai to worship here. After that proceed to have Khantoke Dinner which you can get to know both The Northern Thai food and the Culture passing through the Lanna Style Performances, these will entertained you throughout the dinner time.
After breakfast, proceed to Phrathat Sri Chom Thong Temple. After that, you will visit Doi Inthanon, the highest peak in Thailand, 2176 sq/km. It is the home of fauna and flora and some hill tribe villages. It has popular waterfall here, Mae Klang Waterfall. Along the way back, you will visit Royal Project “King & Queen Towers. After that, next destination will be San Kham Pang Village (Home Industries) which is another well-known place in Chiangmai, Thailand. The major traditional handicraft center in Northern of Thailand where you can see Gems Gallery, Honey Shop, Leather Factory, Umbrella and Healthy Food Products as Royal Jelly Bee or Honey, etc. After finishing all tours, you will be transferred back to Chiangmai.
After breakfast, proceed to Lam Pang. Then you will continue to visit Ban Sao Nak where the houses have many pillars in Lampang and also be a 100 years old Teak-Wood Mansion. After that you will visit Tung Kiewn Market which is a local market on the Chiangmai -Lampang Highway, which is a food market with local products and Northern Delicacies. After that you will enjoy taking a ride in a Horse –Drawn Carriage around Lampang. Then proceed to the ancient city of Thailand –Sukhothai. After that you will visit Sukhothai Historial Park. At this park you will see the ruins of The Royal Palaces, Buddhist Temples, City Gates, Moats, Dams, Ponds, Canals, Ditches and Water Dyke control system. All ancient places and systems have been preserved and restored ever since it is recognized by the UNESCO as a world heritage. There is a sanctuary lying to the west behind the Royal Palace compound with Wat Mahathat. It is Sukhothai’s largest temple with a customary main chedi in lotusbud shape and a ruined viharn. Next destination, you will visit Wat Si Chum and continue to visit The Ramkamheang National Museum which included collections of gifts from the ex-abbot of Wat Ratchathani and Art objects unearthed in Sukhothai. After that, you will proceed to another ancients place in Phitsanulok. After finishing all tours, you will be transferred to the hotel for an overnight stay in Phitsanulok.
After breakfast, proceed to visit Wat Phra Si Ra Mahathat. This monastery is commonly called by the inhabitants as “Wat Yai”. It is the home of the famous Phra Buddha Chinnarat. It is located at the left of Naresuan Bridge in the city beside of the river. Next, you will visit Shrine of King Naresuan, the great shrine which is located on the other side of Nan River which opposite the main town, in the compound of Phisanulok Phittayokom School, the Shrine represents the Thais utmost respect to their beloved King who liberated the nation from Burmese power. After that, you will visit Phayao Lake, the largest fresh water lake in the Northern of Thailand. The next destination, you will proceed to enshire Srikomkam Temple. After finishing all tours, you will be transferred to Chiangrai and transfer to the hotel for an overnight in Chiangrai.
After breakfast, you will visit Mae Sai, the northernmost town in Thailand. It is separated from Burma only by a bridge. There are many shops selling an assortment of Myanmese shores and souvenirs. After that, you will visit The Golden Triangle; it is the intersection between Mekong River and Kong River which is the gate of the borders in Thailand, Burma and Laos. After that proceed to the exquisite White Temple ( Rong Khun Temple). Along the way back to Chiangmai, you will visit Mae Kajan Hotspring. In the evening, enjoy dinner at local restaurant. After dinner, you will be transferred back to Chiangmai.
After breakfast, you will visit Elephant Camp in a Natural Park. You will enjoy watching the elephants playing tricks that you could never believed. There are also the elephants for you to ride but at (own expense). Then you will visit Human and Snake Fighting Show and continue to visit Monkey Show where monkey demonsrate with impressive rang of talents. Next, you will visit Orchid & Butterfly Farm where is the heaven for all flower lovers. You will enjoy your freetime for experienced a rafting or enjoy a traditional Thai Massage in the room but (at Own expense).
After breakfast, you will be free at own leisure. After that you will be transferred to the airport for your flight back home.
第01天 机场 /清迈 (泰北风味晚餐)
第02天 清迈 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
在酒店用了早餐后。到Phrathat Sri Chom Thong 寺。 后乘车到泰国最高的山峰【茵他侬国家公园】, 位于海拔2176米,可欣赏许多动物和植物以及一些山区部落村庄和清迈著名的美康瀑布。后到英国皇家工程“国王与皇后大道中塔”游览。随后到【三甘烹村】(家庭工业) ,主要是泰国北部制造传统手工艺中心,可在此购买蜂蜜,燕窝,皮克等。
第03天 清迈- 南邦 – 素可泰 -彭世洛 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
早餐后,前往南邦县观赏【百年高脚贵族屋】Ban Sao Nak难得一见,该处都是生产于南邦的柱子而且具有上百年的柚木,之后,前往位于清迈-南邦公路旁的TungKiewn本地市场,其中摆着许多北部的精美食品。后乘马车游南邦市。然后乘车到泰国古城-------素可泰,观赏【素可泰历史公园】。该公园具有皇家宫殿的废墟,寺庙,城墙,护城河,池塘,运河,渠道,河渠和水渠控制系统,都由教科文组织保存及恢复而且被列为世界遗产。王宫后的西边具有【玛哈泰寺】的庇护所,是素可泰最大寺庙而且拥有莲花形的文化塔。然后观赏Si Chum 寺,接着参观【栏杆亨国家博物馆】,其中有素可泰挖出的Ratchathani寺和艺术品,还有许多收藏品。之后,到泰国的另一个古城-----彭世洛,住宿彭世洛。
第04天 彭世洛 – 帕尧 – 清莱 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
早餐后参观【玛哈泰寺】也称 “Wat Yai” 。其中所祭祀的神明(Chinnarat Buddha), 位于河边的那黎酸大帝桥左边。接下去,参观那黎酸大帝的圣地,位于市中心南河的另一边。该地方代表泰国人所崇拜的亲爱国王。之后游览泰北最大的淡水湖泊------帕尧湖,然后到 Srikomkam寺游览,接着乘车返回清莱。
第05天 清迈-清莱 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
早餐后,前往美塞市(Mae Sai)泰国最北的泰缅交界小城市,接近橋头的大街兩旁,擺滿各式各樣来自缅甸的纪念品。之后,參观泰国北端湄公河和博河的交会点的【金三角】,此乃泰、缅、寮三国交界的门户。接着参观世界唯一【玻璃白庙】(Rong Khun temple or White temple )。途中经温泉地带( Mae Kajan Hotspring ) ,也可在此泡脚,晚餐后乘车返回清迈。
第06天 清迈 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
第07天 清迈 / 机场 (早餐)
6D5N Lampang-Sukhothai-Phitsanulok + Chiangmai
Upon arrival, proceed to Royal Flora Ratchaphruek (Royal Flora Garden) which is Chiangmai’s tribute to King Bhumipol in the year of his Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration. The colourful spectacle will showcase 2,200 species of tropical flowers and 2.5 million tropical plants. Royal Flora Ratchaphruek 2006 will be the first and largest international horticultural exposition to be held in Thailand. After that proceed to visit enshrine Doi Suthep Temple which is located at 929 feet above sea level with a beautiful view of Chiangmai town which can be reached by climbing the steep 300 steps of the winding dragon or by the tram car. Its encroaching frosted hill can be enjoyed from the temple compound for those who visit Chiangmai to worship here. After that proceed to have Khantoke Dinner which you can get to know both The Northern Thai food and the Culture passing through the Lanna Style Performances, these will be entertained you throughout the dinner time.
After breakfast, proceed to Phrathat Sri Chom Thong Temple. After that, you will visit Doi Inthanon, the highest peak in Thailand, 2176 sq/km. It is the home of fauna and flora and some hill tribe villages. It has popular waterfall here, Mae Klang Waterfall. Along the way back, you will visit Royal Project “King & Queen Towers”. After that, next destination will be San Kham Pang Village (Home Industries) which is another well-known place in Chiangmai, Thailand. The major traditional handicraft center in Northern of Thailand where you can see Gems Gallery, Honey Shop, Leather Factory, Umbrella and Healthy Food Products as Royal Jelly Bee or Honey, etc. After finishing tours, you will be transferred back to Chiangmai.
After breakfast, proceed to Lam Pang. Then you will continue to visit Ban Sao Nak where the houses have many pillars in Lampang and also be a 100 years old Teak-Wood Mansion. After that you will visit Tung Kiewn Market which is a local market on the Chiangmai -Lampang Highway, which is a food market with local products and Northern Delicacies. After that you will enjoy taking a ride in a Horse –Drawn Carriage around Lampang. Then proceed to the ancient city of Thailand –Sukhothai. After that you will visit Sukhothai Historial Park. At this park you will see the ruins of The Royal Palaces, Buddhist Temples, City Gates, Moats, Dams, Ponds, Canals, Ditches and Water Dyke control system. All ancient places and systems have been preserved and restored ever since it is recognized by the UNESCO as a world heritage. There is a sanctuary lying to the west behind the Royal Palace compound with Wat Mahathat. It is Sukhothai’s largest temple with a customary main chedi in lotusbud shape and a ruined viharn. Next destination, you will visit Wat Si Chum and continue to visit The Ramkamheang National Museum which included collections of gifts from the ex-abbot of Wat Ratchathani and Art objects unearthed in Sukhothai. After that, you will proceed to another ancients place in Phitsanulok. After finishing all tours, you will be transferred to the hotel for an overnight stay in Phitsanulok.
After breakfast, proceed to visit Wat Phra Si Ra Mahathat. This monastery is commonly called by the inhabitants as “Wat Yai”. It is the home of the famous Phra Buddha Chinnarat. It is located at the left of Naresuan Bridge in the city beside of the river. Next, you will visit Shrine of King Naresuan, the great shrine which is located on the other side of Nan River which opposite of the main town. The Shrine represents the Thais utmost respect to their beloved King. After finishing all tours, you will be transferred back to Chiangmai.
After breakfast, you will visit Elephant Camp in a Natural Park. You will enjoy watching the elephants playing tricks that you could never believed. There are also the elephants for you to ride but at (own expense). Then you will visit Human and Snake Fighting Show and continue to visit Monkey Show where monkey demonsrate with impressive rang of talents. Next, you will visit Orchid & Butterfly Farm where is the heaven for all flower lovers. You will enjoy your freetime for experienced a rafting or enjoy a traditional Thai Massage in the room but (at Own expense).
After breakfast, you will be free at own leisure. After that you will be transferred to the airport for your flight back home.
第01天 机场 / 清迈 (泰北风味晚餐)
抵达后,启程到清迈的【皇家植物】ratchaphruek(皇家植物花园)为当年普密蓬国王陛下钻石周年纪念大庆活动。展示着2200种色彩缤纷的热带花卉及250万热带植物。在泰国举行的2006年皇家植物ratchaphruek 是第一次而规模最大的国际园艺博览会。然后前往参观海拔929英尺精美的素贴寺。可登300步双龙梯或坐电车到达佛寺看整个清迈市及乡间景致。晚餐特别安排【泰北风味餐】,为典型泰国的宫廷晚宴,您可以享受泰国风味的传统美食,欣赏兰娜传统的舞蹈表演。您还可以在此放孔明灯,有时您还能欣赏到天灯齐放的美景。
第02天 清迈 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
在酒店用了早餐后。到Phrathat Sri Chom Thong 寺。后乘车到泰国最高的山峰茵他侬山,位于2176米,可欣赏许多动物和植物以及一些山区部落村庄和清迈著名的美康瀑布。后到英国皇家工程“国王与皇后大道中塔”游览。随后到【三甘烹村】(家庭工业)主要是泰国北部制造传统手工艺中心,可在此购买蜂蜜,燕窝,纸伞,皮克等。
第03天 清迈- 南邦 – 素可泰 - 彭世洛 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
上午到南邦观赏【百年高脚贵族屋】Ban Sao Nak难得一见,这里都是生产于南邦的柱子而且具有上百年的柚木,前往位于清迈-南邦公路旁的TungKiewn本地市场,其中摆着许多北部的精美食品。后乘马车游南邦市。然后乘车到泰国古城-------素可泰,观赏【素可泰历史公园】。该公园具有皇家宫殿的废墟,寺庙,城墙,护城河,池塘,河渠和水渠控制系统,都由教科文组织保存及恢复而且被列为世界遗产。王宫后的西边具有【玛哈泰寺】的庇护所,是素可泰最大寺庙而且拥有莲花形的文化塔。然后观赏Si Chum 寺,接着参观【栏杆亨国家博物馆】,其中有素可泰挖出的寺庙和艺术品,还有许多收藏品。之后,到泰国的另一个古城-----彭世洛,住宿彭世洛。
第04天 彭世洛 - 清迈 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
早餐后参观【玛哈泰寺】也称 “Wat Yai” 。其中所祭祀的神明(Chinnarat Buddha),位于河边的那黎酸大帝桥左边。接下去,参观那黎酸大帝的圣地,位于市中心南河的另一边。该地方代表泰国人所崇拜的亲爱国王。下午返回清迈。
第05天 清迈 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
第06天 清迈 / 机场 (早餐)
5D4N Mae Taman Village+Doi Inthanon National Park-Chiangmai-Chiangrai
Upon arrival, proceed to Royal Flora Ratchaphruek (Royal Flora Garden) which is Chiangmai’s tribute to King Bhumipol in the year of his Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration. The colourful spectacle will showcase 2,200 species of tropical flowers and 2.5 million tropical plants. Royal Flora Ratchaphruek 2006 will be the first and largest international horticultural exposition to be held in Thailand. After that, proceed to the exquisite Doi Suthep Temple which located in the west of Chiangmai city on Doi Suthep at 929 feet above sea level with a beautiful view of Chiangmai town which can be reached by climbing the steep 300 steps of the winding dragon or by the tram car. Its encroaching frosted hill can be enjoyed from the temple compound for those who visit chiangmai to worship here. After that proceed to have Khantoke Dinner which you can get to know both The Northern Thai food and the Culture passing through the Lanna Style Performances, these will entertained you throughout the dinner time.
After breakfast, proceed to Mae Taman Village Elephant Safari & Rafting. Elephants will ride through the jungle, follow by funny and exciting experiences on the Ox Cart and Rafting along to Mae Taman River, enjoy the scenery beautiful country side. Next, proceed to Human and Snake Fighting Show. Then go to visit Monkey Show where the monkeys demonstrate with impressive range of talents. After that, continue to visit Orchid & Butterfly Farm. On display are a profusion of blooms of all varieties, shapes, colours and prices from a few baht for the common strains to a few hundred thousand for the rare and exotic species. After that, next destination will be San Kham Pang Village (Home Industries) which is another well-known place in Chiangmai, Thailand. The major traditional handicraft center in Northern of Thailand where you can see Gems Gallery, Honey Shop, Leather Factory, Umbrella and Healthy Food Products as Royal Jelly Bee or Honey, etc.
After breakfast, proceed for a Day Tour to Chiangrai. Along the way, proceed to visit Mae Kajan Hot Spring and proceed to the exquisite White Temple (Rong Khun Temple) and The Golden Triangle, it is the intersection between Mekong River and Kong River which is the gate of the borders in Thailand, Burma and Laos. Then you will visit Mae Sai, the northernmost town in Thailand. It is separated from Burma only by a bridge. There are many shops selling an assortment of Myanmese shores and souvenirs.After dinner, you will be transferred back to Chiangmai.
After breakfast, proceed to Phrathat Sri Chom Thong Temple. After that, you will visit Doi Inthanon National Park, the highest peak in Thailand, 2176 sq/km. It is the home of fauna and flora and some hill tribe villages. It has popular waterfall here, Mae Klang Waterfall. Along the way back, you will visit Royal Project “King & Queen Towers”. For lunch and dinner during the tour, you will be transferred to local restaurant. After finishing tours, you will be transferred back to Chiangmai.
After breakfast, you wil be free at own leisure. After that you will be transferred to the airport for your flight back home.
第01天 机场 / 清迈 (泰北风味晚餐)
第02天 清迈 - 美塔曼村大象营 - 清迈 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
第03天 清迈 - 清莱 - 清迈 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
前往清莱,途中经温泉地带( Mae Kajan Hotspring ) ,也可在此泡脚,后参观世界唯一【玻璃白庙】(Rong Khun temple or White temple )。之后,參观泰国北端湄公河和博河的交会点的【金三角】,此乃泰、缅、寮三国交界的门户。划分了三个国家的土地。接着到【美赛市】(Mae Sai)泰国最北的泰,甸交界小城市,接近橋头的大街兩旁,擺滿各式各樣出售两个国家的纪念品,有众多的旅游商店,非常热闹。晚餐后乘车返回清迈。
第04天 清迈 - 茵他侬国家公园 - 清迈 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
在酒店用了早餐后。到Phrathat Sri Chom Thong寺。然后到泰国最高的山峰茵他侬山,位于海拔2176米,居的动物和植物以及一些山区部落村庄,还有清迈著名的美康瀑布。可观赏皇家工程“国王与皇后大道中塔”。午餐和晚餐在餐厅用餐。
第05天 清迈 / 机场 (早餐)
早餐后,自由活动, 后到清迈机场返回家园。
5 Days 4Nights Pai-Mae Hong Son-Chiangmai
Upon arrival, proceed to Royal Flora Ratchaphruek (Royal Flora Garden) which is Chiangmai’s tribute to King Bhumipol in the year of his Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration. The colourful spectacle will showcase 2,200 species of tropical flowers and 2.5 million tropical plants. Royal Flora Ratchaphruek 2006 will be the first and largest international horticultural exposition to be held in Thailand. After that, proceed to enshrine Doi Suthep Temple which located at 929 feet above sea level with a beautiful view of Chiangmai town which can be reached by climbing the steep 300 steps of the winding dragon or by the tram car. In the evening, transfer to have Khantoke Dinner which you can get to know both The Northern Thai food and the Culture passing through the Lanna Style Performances, these will entertained you throughout the dinner time.
After breakfast, proceed to Mae Taman village Elephant Safari & Rafting. Elephants will ride through the jungle, follow by funny and exciting experiences on The Ox Cart and Rafting along to Mae Taman River, enjoy the scenery beautiful country side. Next, proceed to visit Human and Snake Fighting Show. After that, continue to visit Monkey Show where the monkeys demonstrate with impressive range of talents. Then proceed to see amazing Human and Snake Fighting Show. After that, proceed to visit Orchid & Butterfly Farm. On display are a profusion of blooms of all varieties, shapes, colours and prices from a few baht for the common strains to a few hundred thousand for the rare and exotic species. After that, you will be transferred to Pai; you will visit Pong Duet Hot Spring. After that, proceed to Huay Nam Dung National Park which is the place where the foresty Department has developed Water Resource Project here. At the Nation Park, they also grow European plants and beautiful flowers. After that, you will be transferred to the hotel for an overnight stay in Pai.
After breakfast, you will be transferred to Mae Hong Son. You will proceed to visit Long Ears & Long Neck Karen Village. After that, you will continue to visit Fish Cave and Wat Phrathat Doi Kong Mu. Then, the next destination will be Wat Chong Come. After finishing tours, you will be transferred to the hotel for an overnight stay at Mae Hongson.
After breakfast, you will be transferred back to Chiangmai. After that, proceed to visit San Kham Pang Village (Home Industries) which is another well-known place in Chiangmai, Thailand. The major traditional handicraft center in Northern of Thailand where you can see Gems Gallery, Honey Shop, Leather Factory, Umbrella and Healthy Food Products as Royal Jelly Bee or Honey, etc.
After breakfast, you will be free at own leisure. After that you will be transferred to the airport for your flight back home.
第01天 机场 / 清迈 (泰北风味晚餐)
抵达后,到清迈的【皇家植物花园】ratchaphruek,泰国为庆祝普密蓬国王登基60周年而举办的皇家Ratchaphruek花神节。展示着来自全世界32个国家的知名花卉、园林、艺术,以及相关文化、艺术和建筑风格共有2200种色彩缤纷的热带花卉及250万热带植物。泰国举行的2006年皇家植物ratchaphruek是第一次而规模最大的国际园艺博览会。然后前往参观泰国著名的佛教圣地,海拔929英尺精美的【素贴寺】。游人沿着龙身登 300 多个石阶可到达素贴山山顶看整个清迈市及乡间景致,山顶还有一座巨大的舍利塔,塔身贴满金箔,高耸入云,阳光下灿烂夺目,富丽堂皇。晚餐特别安排【泰北风味餐】,为典型泰国的宫廷晚宴,您可以享受泰国风味的传统美食,欣赏兰娜传统的舞蹈表演。您还可以在此放孔明灯,有时您还能欣赏到天灯齐放的美景。
第02天 清迈-美塔曼村大象营- 清迈 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
前往【美塔曼村大象营】, 骑大象透过丛林之后,乘搭牛车沿着美塔曼河,享受美丽的风景区。然后,观看惊心动魄的【人蛇表演】及【猴子表演】。之后到【兰花&蝴蝶园】,园中可以欣赏各式各样的四季兰花园及兰花品种让您耳目一新。传到白城Pai, Pong Duet温泉后转到Huai Nam Dang 国家公园,该处是其中林业署发展水资源计划的地方而且种植欧洲的植物花, 住宿白城。
第03天 清迈-湄宏顺府-清迈 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
前往美丰顺府观赏长颈和长耳族村,观看少数民族传统的服饰及生活习惯。然后再观看鱼洞,后到湄宠顺最盛名的寺庙--------帕德康摩寺Phrathat Doi Kong Mu,这座寺庙是美丰顺第一位统治者在十八世纪中斯所建造的,具有缅甸风格的寺庙。附近还可参观中康寺Chong Come,住宿美丰顺。
第04天 清迈 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
随后到【三甘烹村】(家庭工业) ,是泰国清迈另一个著名的景点。主要是泰国北部制造传统手工艺中心,可在此购买蜂蜜,燕窝,纸伞,皮克等。
第05天 清迈/吉隆坡 (早餐)
5D4N Chiangmai-Chiangrai+Mix Hill Tribe Village
Upon arrival, proceed to Royal Flora Ratchaphruek (Royal Flora Garden) which is Chiangmai’s tribute to King Bhumipol in the year of his Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration. The colourful spectacle will showcase 2,200 species of tropical flowers and 2.5 million tropical plants. Royal Flora Ratchaphruek 2006 will be the first and largest international horticultural exposition to be held in Thailand. In the evening, transfer to have Khantoke Dinner which you can get to know both The Northern Thai food and the Culture passing through the Lanna Style Performances, these will entertained you for throughout dinner time
After breakfast, proceed to Doi Suthep Temple which located at 929 feet above sea level with a beautiful view of Chiangmai town which can be reached by climbing the steep 300 steps of the winding dragon or by the tram car.Its encroaching frosted hill can be enjoyed from the temple compound for those who visit chiangmai to worship here. After that, proceed to visit San Kham Pang Village (Home Industries) which is another well-known place in Chiangmai, Thailand. The major traditional handicraft center in Northern of Thailand where you can see Gems Gallery, Honey shop, Leather Factory, Umbrella and Healthy Food Products as Royal Jelly Bee or Honey, etc.
After breakfast, proceed a Day Tour to Chiangrai. Along the way, you will visit Mae Kajan Hotspring, after that proceed to the exquisite White Temple (Rong Khun Temple). Then proceed to visit The Golden Triangle. It is the intersection between Mekong River and Kong River which is the gate of the borders in Thailand, Burma and Laos. Then you will visit Mae Sai, the northernmost town in Thailand. It is separated from Burma only by a bridge. There are many shops selling an assortment of Myanmese shores and souvenirs. After dinner, you will be transferred back to Chiangmai.
After breakfast, proceed to visit Elephant Camp in a Natural Park which has both amazing and amusing performances from the elephants. There are also the elephants for you to ride but at (own expense). Then proceed to visit Human and Snake Fighting Show. After that, proceed to Monkey Show where the monkeys demonstrate with impressive range of talent. Next, proceed to Mix Hill Tribes Village, the place for Long Neck, White Karen, Lahuchibalah, Mong (Meo), Pharong (Long Ears) and continue to visit Orchid & Butterfly Farm. On display are a profusion of blooms of all varieties, shapes, colours and prices from a few baht for the common strains to a few hundred thousand for the rare and exotic species.
After breakfast, you will be free at own leisure. After that you will be transferred to the airport for your flight back home.
第01天 机场 / 清迈 (泰北风味晚餐)
第02天 清迈 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
早餐后,前往参观泰国著名的佛教圣地,海拔929英尺精美的【素贴寺】。游人沿着龙身登 300 多个石阶可到达素贴山山顶看整个清迈市及乡间景致,山顶还有一座巨大的舍利塔,塔身贴满金箔,高耸入云,阳光下灿烂夺目,富丽堂皇。晚餐特别安排【泰北风味餐】,为典型泰国的宫廷晚宴,您可以享受泰国风味的传统美食,欣赏兰娜传统的舞蹈表演。您还可以在此放孔明灯,有时您还能欣赏到天灯齐放的美景。
第03天 清迈 - 清莱 - 清迈 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
前往清莱,途中经温泉地带( Mae Kajan Hotspring ) ,也可在此泡脚,后往参观世界唯一【玻璃白庙】(Rong Khun temple or White temple )。寺庙的设计者是泰国的视觉艺术家及画家Chalermchai Kosipipat。庙名因其独特的白色设计主题,白色玻璃材料,奇特的设计元素而闻名。白色意欲圣洁的菩萨,白色的玻璃代表智慧照耀世上每一个人。之后,參观泰国北端湄公河和博河的交会点的【金三角】,此乃泰、缅、寮三国交界的门户。划分了三个国家的土地。接着到【美赛市】(Mae Sai)泰国最北的泰,甸交界小城市,接近橋头的大街兩旁,擺滿各式各樣出售两个国家的纪念品,有众多的旅游商店,非常热闹。晚餐后乘车返回清迈。
第04 天 清迈 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
早餐后前往,前往【大象營】,可在此观赏大象杂技表演,游客亦可自费骑大象背上的木椅内沿山谷走一回,骑乘时有专业的训象师随行,这里专门传授大象对森林的适应能力。然后,观看惊心动魄的【人蛇表演】及【猴子表演】。接着到【少数民族乡村】,对于那些长颈族,白甲良 ,拉胡族,旺角(轨道),巴东族(长耳),观看村里保留各各民族传统的服饰及生活习惯。然后继续到【兰花&蝴蝶园】展出花朵的所有品种,形状及颜色价格从数铢为共同列车数十万,为罕见的外来物种。
第05天 清迈/机场 (早餐)
5D4N Chiangmai-Lampang-Phayao-Phan-Chiangrai
Arrival Flight has to be before mid day (12.00 p.m.)
Upon arrival and proceed to Lampang, taking a ride in a Horse – Drawn carriage around Lampang but (at own expense). Then you will continue to visit Ban Sao Nak the house have many pillars in Lampang and also be a 100 years old Teak-Wood Mansion. After that you will visit Tung Kiewn Market a local market on the Chiangmai – Lampang Highway which a food market with local products and Northern Delicacies. Next journey, you will visit Phayao Lake. The middle of the lake has an ancient abandoned temple. After that, you will visit an ancient Srikomkam Temple. Next journey will proceed to Wat Sai Khao. After finish the tours, you will be transferred to the hotel for an overnight stay in Chiangrai.
After Breakfast, you will visit The Golden Triangle where Mae Khong River flows through the boarders of three countries i.e. Thailand, Laos and Burma. Then you will cross Mekong River by a small boat to Laos’ side (Don Xai village). After that, you will visit Opium House. Then proceed to visit Mae Sai, the northernmost town in Thailand. It is separated from Burma only by a bridge. There are many shops selling an assortment of Myanmese shores and souvenirs. Then will proceed to visit Mix Hill Tribes Village. Next journey, you will visit White Temple. Along the way back to Chiangmai, you will visit Maekajan Hotspring. After that you will be transferred back to Chiangmai.
After breakfast, you will visit Royal Flora Ratchaphruek (Royal Flora Garden) which is Chiangmai’s tribute to King Bhumipol in the year of his Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration. The colourful spectacle will showcase 2,200 species of tropical flowers and 2.5 million tropical plants. Royal Flora Ratchaphruek 2006 will be the first and largest international horticultural exposition to be held in Thailand. After that you will visit the exquisite Doi Suthep Temple which is located in the west of Chiangmai city on Doi Suthep at 929 feet above sea level with a beautiful view of Chiangmai town which can be reached by climbing the steep 300 steps of the winding dragon or by the tram car. Next journey will be San Kham Pang Village (Home Industries) which is another well-known place in Chiangmai, Thailand. The major traditional handicraft center in Northern of Thailand where you can see the real creating for Thai silk, Cotton Products, Jewelry, Painting works, Umbrella and Healthy Food Products as Royal Jelly Bee or Honey etc..
After breakfast, you will visit Elephant Camp in a Natural Park which has both amazing and amusing performances from the elephants. There are also get the elephants for you to ride but at (own expense). Then visit Human and Snake Fighting Show. Next proceed to Monkey Show where the monkeys demonstrate with impressive range of talents and continue to visit Orchid & Butterfly Farm. On display are a profusion of blooms of all varieties, shapes, colours and prices from a few baht for the common strains to a few hundred thousand for the rare and exotic species. After finishing all tour programs in the morning, you will proceed to have lunch at the local restaurant. After lunch, the next destination will be San Kham Pang Village (Home Industries) which is another well-known place in Chiangmai Thailand.
After breakfast, you will be free at own leisure. After that you will transferred to the airport for your flight back home.
** Take a ride in a Horse – Drawn carriage (own expense) 200 Baht/Person/1 Horse-Drawn Carriage **
第01天 機場- 南邦 – 帕耀 - 攀縣 - 清莱 Arrival flight before mid day (12.00) (晚餐)
早餐後,前往南邦县,可自费坐马车游南邦市。观赏【百年高脚贵族屋】Ban Sao Nak 难得一见,这里都是生产于南邦的柱子而且具有上百年的柚木,前往位于清迈-南邦公路旁的TungKiewn本地市场,其中摆着许多北部的精美食品。之後,前往帕燿參觀參觀帕耀湖, 此湖是泰北最美最大 的淡水湖泊. 內有50幾種淡水魚,湖边有一座500年悠久的遗迹寺庙【Srikomkum Temple】,後往攀县參观【白沙庙】又名妖魔庙,之后前往住宿清莱。
第02天 清莱 - 清邁 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐 )
早餐后,之后,參观泰国北端湄公河和博河的交会点的【金三角】,此乃泰、缅、寮三国交界的门户。划分了三个国家的土地。晚餐后乘车返回清迈。接着畅游湄公河到寮国农赛小镇(Don Xai Village)。之后到鸦片博物馆,主要展示了鸦片的生产、运输、贩卖和使用,有实物、图片和模型,详细介绍了鸦片对人类的危害和影响。然后,前往【少数民族村】,在此观看村里保留各各民族传统的服饰及生活习惯。接着到【美赛市】(Mae Sai)泰国最北的泰,甸交界小城市,接近橋头的大街兩旁,擺滿各式各樣出售两个国家的纪念品,有众多的旅游商店,非常热闹。之后往参观世界唯一【玻璃白庙】(Rong Khun temple or White temple )。寺庙的设计者是泰国的视觉艺术家及画家Chalermchai Kosipipat。庙名因其独特的白色设计主题,白色玻璃材料,奇特的设计元素而闻名。白色意欲圣洁的菩萨,白色的玻璃代表智慧照耀世上每一个人。随后到溫泉地帶( Mae Kajan Hotspring ) , 设有大型温泉谷池,游客可在此泡腳。返回住宿清迈.
第03天 清邁 (早餐 / 午餐 /泰北风味晚餐Khan Toke Dinner )
抵達後,到清迈的【皇家植物花园】ratchaphruek,泰国为庆祝普密蓬国王登基60周年而举办的皇家Ratchaphruek花神节。展示着来自全世界32个国家的知名花卉、园林、艺术,以及相关文化、艺术和建筑风格共有2200种色彩缤纷的热带花卉及250万热带植物。然后前往参观泰国著名的佛教圣地,海拔929英尺精美的【素贴寺】。游人沿着龙身登 300 多个石阶可到达素贴山山顶看整个清迈市及乡间景致,山顶还有一座巨大的舍利塔,塔身贴满金箔,高耸入云,阳光下灿烂夺目,富丽堂皇。晚餐特别安排【泰北风味餐】,为典型泰国的宫廷晚宴,您可以享受泰国风味的传统美食,欣赏兰娜传统的舞蹈表演。您还可以在此放孔明灯,有时您还能欣赏到天灯齐放的美景。
第04天 清邁 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
早餐後,前往【大象營】,这里专门传授大象对森林的适应能力。游客可以亲眼目睹到年级稍大的象群表演雜技,那些可爱的大象表演都会令人惊异和逗笑。您可自费骑大象赏景,享受骑象的新鲜感,显得更加刺激。然后,观看惊心动魄的【人蛇表演】,接下来参观猴子表演。然后继续到【兰花&蝴蝶园】展出花朵的所有品种,形状及颜色价格从数铢为共同列车数十万,为罕见的外来物种。】。 随后到【三甘烹村】(家庭工业) ,是泰国清迈另一个著名的景点。主要是泰国北部制造传统手工艺中心,可在此购买蜂蜜,燕窝,皮克等。
第05天 清邁/机场 (早餐)
**自费坐马车游南邦城 200 泰铢
4D3N Chiangmai+Mae Taman Village (Elephant Safari) - Chiangrai
DAY 01 ARRIVAL CHIANGMAI (Khantoke Dinner)
Upon arrival, proceed to Royal Flora Ratchaphruek (Royal Flora Garden) which is Chiangmai’s tribute to King Bhumipol in the year of his Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration. The colourful spectacle will showcase 2,200 species of tropical flowers and 2.5 million tropical plants. Royal Flora Ratchaphruek 2006 will be the first and largest international horticultural exposition to be held in Thailand. After that proceed to visit the exquisite Doi Suthep Temple which is located in the west of Chiangmai city on Doi Suthep at 929 feet above sea level with a beautiful view of Chiangmai town which can be reached by climbing the steep 300 steps of the winding dragon or by the tram car. Its encroaching frosted hill can be enjoyed from the temple compound for those who visit Chiangmai to worship here. After that proceed to have Khantoke Dinner which you can get to know both The Northern Thai food and the Culture passing through the Lanna Style Performances, these will entertained you throughout the dinner time.
After breakfast, proceed to Mae Taman village Elephant Safari & Rafting. Elephants will ride through the jungle, follow by funny and exciting experiences on the Ox Cart and Rafting along to Mae Taman River, enjoy the scenery beautiful country side. Next, proceed to visit Monkey Show where the monkeys demonstrate with impressive range of talents. Next proceed to Human and Snake Fighting Show. Then go to visit Orchid & Butterfly Farm. On display are a profusion of blooms of all varieties, shapes, colours and prices from a few baht for the common strains to a few hundred thousand for the rare and exotic species. After lunch, the next destination will be San Kham Pang Village (Home Industries) which is another well-known place in Chiangmai, Thailand. The major traditional handicraft center in Northern of Thailand where you can see Gems Gallery, Honey Shop, Leather Factory, Umbrella and Healthy Food Products as Royal Jelly Bee or Honey, etc.
After breakfast, proceed for a Day Tour to Chiangrai. Along the way, proceed to visit Mae Kajan Hot Spring and proceed to the exquisite White Temple (Rong Khun Temple) and The Golden Triangle, it is the intersection between Mekong River and Kong River which is the gate of the borders in Thailand, Burma and Laos. Then you will visit Mae Sai, the northernmost town in Thailand. It is separated from Burma only by a bridge. There are many shops selling an assortment of Myanmese shores and souvenirs. After dinner, you wil be transferred back to Chiangmai.
After breakfast, you will be free at own leisure. After that you will be transferred to the airport for your flight back home.
第01天 清迈 (泰北风味晚餐)
抵达后,前往清迈的【皇家植物花园】ratchaphruek,泰国为庆祝普密蓬国王登基60周年而举办的皇家Ratchaphruek花神节。展示着来自全世界32个国家的知名花卉、园林、艺术,以及相关文化、艺术和建筑风格共有2200种色彩缤纷的热带花卉及250万热带植物。在泰国举行的2006年皇家植物ratchaphruek是第一次而规模最大的国际园艺博览会。然后前往参观泰国著名的佛教圣地,海拔929英尺精美的【素贴寺】。游人沿着龙身登 300 多个石阶可到达素贴山山顶看整个清迈市及乡间景致,山顶还有一座巨大的舍利塔,塔身贴满金箔,高耸入云,阳光下灿烂夺目,富丽堂皇。晚餐特别安排【泰北风味餐】,为典型泰国的宫廷晚宴,您可以享受泰国风味的传统美食,欣赏兰娜传统的舞蹈表演。您还可以在此放孔明灯,有时您还能欣赏到天灯齐放的美景。
第02天 清迈 - 美塔曼村大象营 - 清迈 (早餐 /午餐 /晚餐)
前往【美塔曼村大象营】,亲身感受到骑大象在森林行走的乐趣,乘牛车之后就乘木筏沿美塔曼河,享受当地两边风景区。然后,观看惊心动魄的【人蛇表演】及【猴子表演】。继续到【兰花&蝴蝶园】,园中可以欣賞各式各樣的四季兰花园和兰花品种而且亲眼看罕见的种类。随后到【三甘烹村】(家庭工业) ,是泰国清迈另一个著名的景点。主要是泰国北部制造传统手工艺中心,可在此购买蜂蜜,燕窝,纸伞,皮克等。
第03天 清迈-清莱- 清迈 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
前往清莱,途中经温泉地带( Mae Kajan Hotspring ) ,也可在此泡脚,后往参观世界唯一【玻璃白庙】(Rong Khun temple or White temple )。寺庙的设计者是泰国的视觉艺术家及画家Chalermchai Kosipipat。庙名因其独特的白色设计主题,白色玻璃材料,奇特的设计元素而闻名。白色意欲圣洁的菩萨,白色的玻璃代表智慧照耀世上每一个人。之后,參观泰国北端湄公河和博河的交会点的【金三角】,此乃泰、缅、寮三国交界的门户。划分了三个国家的土地,原来这一带是生产毒品的基地,而今已成为旅游胜地。接着到【美赛市】(Mae Sai)泰国最北的泰,甸交界小城市,接近橋头的大街兩旁,擺滿各式各樣出售两个国家的纪念品,有众多的旅游商店,非常热闹。晚餐后乘车返回清迈。
第04天 清迈/ 机场 (早餐)
4D3N Chiangmai+Mix Hill Tribe Village-Chiangrai
Upon arrival, proceed to Royal Flora Ratchaphruek (Royal Flora Garden) which is Chiangmai’s tribute to King Bhumipol in the year of his Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration. The colourful spectacle will showcase 2,200 species of tropical flowers and 2.5 million tropical plants. Royal Flora Ratchaphruek 2006 will be the first and largest international horticultural exposition to be held in Thailand. After then, proceed to visit the exquisite Doi Suthep Temple which located in the west of chiangmai city on Doi Suthep at 929 feet above sea level with a beautiful view of Chiangmai town which can be reached by climbing the steep 300 steps of the winding dragon or by the tram car. After that proceed to have Khantoke Dinner where you can get to know both The Northern Thai food and the Culture passing through the Lanna Style Performances, these will entertained you throughout the dinner time.
After breakfast, proceed to visit Elephant Camp in a Natural Park which has both amazing and amusing performance from the elephants. There are also the elephants for you to ride but at (own expense). Then proceed to visit Human and Snake Fighting Show. After that, proceed to Monkey Show where the monkeys demonstrate with impressive range of talents. Next proceed to visit Mix Hill Tribes Village those place for Long Neck, White Karen, Lahuchibalah, Mong (Meo), Pharong (Long Ears) and continue to visit Orchid & Butterfly Farm. On display are a profusion of blooms of all varieties, shapes, colours and prices from a few baht for the common strains to a few hundred thousand for the rare and exotic species. Next destination will be San Kham Pang Village (Home Industries) which another well-known place in Chiangmai, Thailand. The major traditional handicraft center in Northern of Thailand where you can see Gems Gallery, Honey Shop, Leather Factory, Umbrella and Healthy Food Products as Royal Jelly Bee or Honey, etc.
After breakfast, proceed for a day tour to Chiangrai. Along the way, you will visit Mae Kajan Hot Spring and proceed to the exquisite White Temple (Rong Khun Temple) and The Golden Triangle at its intersection between Mekong River and Kong River, the gate of the borders in Thailand, Burma and Laos. Then you will visit Mae Sai the northernmost town in Thailand. It is separated from Burma only by a bridge. There are many shops selling an assortment of Myanmese shores and souvenirs. After dinner, you will be transferred back to Chiangmai.
After breakfast, you will be free at own leisure until transfer to the airport for your flight back home.
第01天 机场 / 清迈 ( 泰北风味晚餐)
抵达后,前往清迈【皇家植物花园】ratchaphruek ,泰国为庆祝普密蓬国王登基60周年而举办的皇家Ratchaphruek花神节。展示着来自全世界32个国家的知名花卉、园林、艺术,以及相关文化、艺术和建筑风格共有2200种色彩缤纷的热带花卉及250万热带植物。泰国举行的2006年皇家植物ratchaphruek是第一次而规模最大的国际园艺博览会。然后前往参观泰国著名的佛教圣地,海拔929英尺精美的【素贴寺】。游人沿着龙身登 300 多个石阶可到达素贴山山顶看整个清迈市及乡间景致,山顶还有一座巨大的舍利塔,塔身贴满金箔,高耸入云,阳光下灿烂夺目,富丽堂皇。晚餐特别安排【泰北风味餐】,为典型泰国的宫廷晚宴,您可以享受泰国风味的传统美食,欣赏兰娜传统的舞蹈表演。您还可以在此放孔明灯,有时您还能欣赏到天灯齐放的美景。
第02天 清迈 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
早餐后前往,前往【大象營】,大象训练营有大象杂技表演,游客亦可自费骑大象背上的木椅内沿山谷走一回,骑乘时有专业的训象师随行,这里专门传授大象对森林的适应能力。之后,您可自费骑大象赏景,享受骑象的新鲜感,显得更加刺激。接着观看惊心动魄的【人蛇表演】及【猴子表演】。之后到【少数民族乡村】,有长颈族, 长耳族,白甲良,苗族,拉蒙族,观看村里保留各各民族传统的服饰及生活习惯。然后继续到兰花&蝴蝶园,泰国兰花栽培基地和批发中心。这里兰花品种繁多,色彩缤纷绚丽,种植园内还有大型的蝴蝶培育基地。可以在此欣赏各式各样的四季兰花和兰花品种让您耳目一新。随后到【三甘烹村】(家庭工业) ,是泰国清迈另一个著名的景点。主要是泰国北部制造传统手工艺中心,可在此购买蜂蜜,燕窝,纸伞,皮克等。
第03天 清迈 - 清莱 - 清迈 (早餐 /午餐 /晚餐)
前往清莱,途中经温泉地带( Mae Kajan Hotspring ) ,也可在此泡脚,后往参观世界唯一【玻璃白庙】(Rong Khun temple or White temple )。寺庙的设计者是泰国的视觉艺术家及画家Chalermchai Kosipipat。庙名因其独特的白色设计主题,白色玻璃材料,奇特的设计元素而闻名。白色意欲圣洁的菩萨,白色的玻璃是他的智慧照耀世上每一个人。之后,參观泰国北端湄公河和博河的交会点的【金三角】,此乃泰、缅、寮三国交界的门户。划分了三个国家的土地,原来这一带是生产毒品的基地,而今已成为旅游胜地。接着到【美赛市】(Mae Sai)泰国最北的泰,甸交界小城市,接近橋头的大街兩旁,擺滿各式各樣出售两个国家的纪念品,有众多的旅游商店,非常热闹。晚餐后乘车返回清迈。
第04天 清迈/ 机场 (早餐)
4Days 3Nights Chiangmai-Chiangrai (Day Trip)
Upon arrival proceed to Royal Flora Ratchaphruek (Royal Flora Garden) which is Chiangmai’s tribute to King Bhumipol in the year of his Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration. The colourful spectacle will showcase 2,200 species of tropical flowers and 2.5 million tropical plants. Royal Flora Ratchaphruek 2006 will be the first and largest international horticultural exposition to be held in Thailand. After that proceed to the exquisite Doi Suthep Temple which located in the west of chiangmai city on Doi Suthep at 929 feet above sea level with a beautiful view of Chiangmai town which can be reached by climbing the steep 300 steps of the winding dragon or by the tram car. After that proceed to have Khantoke Dinner where you can get to know both The Northern Thai food and the Culture passing through the Lanna Style Performances, these will entertained you throughout the dinner time.
After breakfast, go to visit Elephant Camp in a Natural Park which has both amazing and amusing performance from the elephants. There are also the elephants for you to ride but at (own expense). Then visit Human and snake fighting show. Next proceed to Monkey Show where the monkeys demonstrate with impressive range of talents and continue to visit Orchid & Butterfly Farm. On display are a profusion of blooms of all varieties, shapes, colours and prices from a few baht for the common trains to a few hundred thousand for the rare and exotic species. After lunch, the next destination will be San Kham Pang Village (Home Industries) which is another well-known place in Chiangmai, Thailand. The major traditional handicraft center in Northern of Thailand those you can see Gems Gallery ,Honey shop, Leather Factory, Umbrella and Healthy Food Products as Royal Jelly Bee or Honey etc..
After breakfast, proceed for a Day tour to Chiangrai. Along the way, you will visit Mae Kajan Hot Spring, after that proceed to the exquisite White Temple (Rong Khun Temple). Next proceed to The Golden Triangle; it is the intersection between Mekong River and Kong River which is the gate of the borders in Thailand, Burma and Laos. Then you will visit Mae Sai, the northernmost town in Thailand. It is separated from Burma only by a bridge. There are many shops selling an assortment of Myanmese shores and souvenirs. After dinner, you will be transferred back to Chiangmai.
After breakfast, you will be free at own Leisure until transfer to the airport for your flight back home.
第01天 机场 /清迈 (泰北风味晚餐)
抵达后,前往清迈【皇家植物花园】ratchaphruek ,泰国为庆祝普密蓬国王登基60周年而举办的皇家Ratchaphruek花神节。展示着来自全世界32个国家的知名花卉、园林、艺术,以及相关文化、艺术和建筑风格共有2200种色彩缤纷的热带花卉及250万热带植物。泰国举行的2006年皇家植物ratchaphruek是第一次而规模最大的国际园艺博览会。然后前往参观泰国著名的佛教圣地,海拔929英尺精美的【素贴寺】。游人沿着龙身登 300 多个石阶可到达素贴山山顶看整个清迈市及乡间景致,山顶还有一座巨大的舍利塔,塔身贴满金箔,高耸入云,阳光下灿烂夺目,富丽堂皇。晚餐特别安排【泰北风味餐】,为典型泰国的宫廷晚宴,您可以享受泰国风味的传统美食,欣赏兰娜传统的舞蹈表演。您还可以在此放孔明灯,有时您还能欣赏到天灯齐放的美景。
第02天 清迈 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
第03天 清迈-清莱- 清迈 (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
前往清莱,途中经温泉地带( Mae Kajan Hotspring ) ,也可在此泡脚,后往参观世界唯一【玻璃白庙】(Rong Khun temple or White temple )。寺庙的设计者是泰国的视觉艺术家及画家Chalermchai Kosipipat。庙名因其独特的白色设计主题,白色玻璃材料,奇特的设计元素而闻名。白色意欲圣洁的菩萨,白色的玻璃代表智慧照耀世上每一个人。之后,參观泰国北端湄公河和博河的交会点的【金三角】,此乃泰、缅、寮三国交界的门户。划分了三个国家的土地,原来这一带是生产毒品的基地,而今已成为旅游胜地。接着到【美赛市】(Mae Sai)泰国最北的泰,甸交界小城市,接近橋头的大街兩旁,擺滿各式各樣出售两个国家的纪念品,有众多的旅游商店,非常热闹。晚餐后乘车返回清迈。
第04天 清迈/ 机场 ( 早 )
9 Days 8 Nights Hanoi/Halong Bay-Vietnam + Guilin
9天8晚 河内/下龙湾/东兴/南宁/荔浦/阳朔/桂林/龙胜/德天瀑布/憑祥
第 1天 吉隆坡/河內-市区游 (31/5 AK870 KUL/HAN 0630/0850)(午/晚餐) Hotel: Vesna酒店(3*)
第2天 越南河内 越南下龙湾 (早/午/晚餐) Hotel: 下龙云海酒店 (3*)
第3天 越南下龙湾 东兴 南宁 (早/午/晚餐) Hotel: 华星酒店 (3*)
早餐后,乘越南特色红木游船,倘佯于万顷碧波之中。漫游被国际教科文组织评为世界自然遗产之一的“海上桂林”—下龙湾(游览时间约4H)(在1500多平方公里的海面上、耸立着3600多座大小不一、千姿百态的喀斯特地貌的山石、更以其“海美、山幽、洞奇”三绝而享誉天下),船上观斗鸡岛、狼狗石、香炉山、天宫洞等,数不胜数的风景尽收眼底。下龙湾亦有小渔船如影相随,可向渔民就地购买些许刚打捞而起的各种鱼、虾、蟹等美味海鲜,让游船厨工加工烹饪。海鲜午餐于游船。之后,乘车赴赴芒街,办理出境手续,然后到东兴口岸办理入境手续 (不含电瓶车费)。入境后,继续往广西省会-南宁。
第4天 南宁 桂林 (早/午/晚餐) Hotel: 花园假日酒店(准4星)
早餐后,乘车赴桂林(约5-6小时车程)。抵达后游览《鼻象山公园》。之后车游《榕杉湖风景区》, 《古南门》 及《大榕树》。晚餐后,乘车夜游桂林两江四湖。夜晚的桂林更加的迷人,华灯初上,两江四湖在灯光的配合下更加撩人心弦。
第5天 桂林 阳朔 (早/午/晚餐) Hotel: 阳朔西街口大酒店(准4星)
第6天 阳朔 荔浦 龙胜 《龙脊梯田》 南宁 (早/午/晚餐) Hotel: 华星酒店 (3*)
早餐后,参观亚洲第一溶洞《银子岩》。接着乘旅游车(车程约3小时,游览时间为2.5个小时)前往龙胜参观举世闻名的【龙脊梯田】,欣赏壮观的梯田群和广西保存完好的少数民族风情。游毕, 乘车赴南宁。抵达后,接往酒店休息。
第7天 南宁 德天(中越 跨国大瀑布) 凭祥 (早/午/晚餐) Hotel: 凭祥西贡酒店(3*)
早餐后,乘车前往大新(大约3小时车程),沿途于车观龙虎山自然景观、大新田园风光,赏风景迷人的黑水河、沙屯叠瀑、绿岛行云。抵边陲重镇——硕龙,用中餐,后游览世界第二大跨国瀑布——【德天跨国瀑布】,(游览时间约130分钟)。德天瀑布以其自然美的绝对优势被评为“中国最美的六大瀑布之一”。 下午乘车赴回凭祥。晚餐于当地餐厅。
第 8天 憑祥 友誼關 河內 (早/午餐) Hotel: Vesna酒店 (3*)
早餐後,專車前往友誼關,(不含电瓶车费) , 經諒山關返回河內(约4小时)。午餐後,接往酒店休息。自由活动,或自行前往36古式街道购物闲逛。晚餐自理。
第 9天 河內 – 吉隆坡 (早餐) (8/6 AK871 HAN/KUL 0920/1340)
** 景点的先后顺序可根据具体情况有所调整 **
4Days 3Nights Berastagi/Parapat/Lake Toba/Medan
4 Days 3 Nights
Medan / Berastagi / Lake Toba
Flight Schedule : 16SEP QZ8051 KUL/MES 0835/0830hrs
19SEP AK455 MES/KUL 1725/1920hrs
Day 1 (16Sep-FRI) KL / Medan - Berastagi (Lunch, Dinner)
Upon arrival at Medan Polonia airport, meet with our local representative. After lunch, proceed to Berastagi (estimated 2 hours drive) and visit the volcano - Mt Sibayak and fruit’s market. At here, you can enjoy a variety of fresh fruits like Marquisa, Pipah, Brinjar, Love Fruit, Passion Fruit and Orange. Beside that, also can have a view of Mt Sinabung at here. Check in Hotel Grand Mutiara, Berastagi and dinner at hotel.
Lunch: Sunrise Restaurant
Dinner: Hotel Grand Mutiara
Berastagi - Hotel Grand Mutiara Tel: +62-628 91311
Day 2 (17Sep-SAT) Berastagi – Samosir Island - Parapat (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
Breakfast at hotel. Proceed to Parapat via Sipiso – piso Waterfall. After lunch, proceed to Samosir Island Lake Toba Tour by motor boat ride to visit the Tomok Village to see the old tomb of King Sidabutar, Batak Traditional House and Local Souvenir Market. At Ambarita, you can see the stone court yard of King Siallagan. The chairs and tables made of pure stone which were used during the meeting of the Kings and his court house when discussing the important matters concerning the government. Return to Parapat and check in Parapat View Hotel and dinner at hotel.
Lunch: Hong Kong Restaurant
Dinner: Hotel Niagara
Parapat - Hotel Niagara Tel : +62-625 41028
Day 3 (18Sep-Sun) Parapat - Medan ( Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
Breakfast at hotel. Proceed to Medan via Pematang Siantar. After lunch at local restaurant, proceed to visit Maimun Palace, shopping at Medan Mall, Pasar Ikan Lama, Batik House and Fashion Outlet. Check in Hotel Garuda Plaza afterwards and dinner will be served at local restaurant.
Lunch: Sheraton Restaurant
Dinner: Avia Samudera Restaurant
Medan - Garuda Plaza Hotel Tel : +62-61-7361111
Day 4 (19Sep-Mon) Medan / KL (Breakfast)
After breakfast at hotel, free program until transfer to airport for your flight to next destination.
4Days Berastagi-Parapat-Lake Toba-Medan Trip
4 Days 3 Nights
Medan / Berastagi / Lake Toba
Flight Schedule : 16SEP QZ8051 KUL/MES 0835/0830hrs
19SEP AK455 MES/KUL 1725/1920hrs
Day 1 (16Sep-FRI) KL / Medan - Berastagi (Lunch, Dinner)
Upon arrival at Medan Polonia airport, meet with our local representative. After lunch, proceed to Berastagi (estimated 2 hours drive) and visit the volcano - Mt Sibayak and fruit’s market. At here, you can enjoy a variety of fresh fruits like Marquisa, Pipah, Brinjar, Love Fruit, Passion Fruit and Orange. Beside that, also can have a view of Mt Sinabung at here. Check in Hotel Grand Mutiara, Berastagi and dinner at hotel.
Lunch: Sunrise Restaurant
Dinner: Hotel Grand Mutiara
Berastagi - Hotel Grand Mutiara Tel: +62-628 91311
Day 2 (17Sep-SAT) Berastagi – Samosir Island - Parapat (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
Breakfast at hotel. Proceed to Parapat via Sipiso – piso Waterfall. After lunch, proceed to Samosir Island Lake Toba Tour by motor boat ride to visit the Tomok Village to see the old tomb of King Sidabutar, Batak Traditional House and Local Souvenir Market. At Ambarita, you can see the stone court yard of King Siallagan. The chairs and tables made of pure stone which were used during the meeting of the Kings and his court house when discussing the important matters concerning the government. Return to Parapat and check in Parapat View Hotel and dinner at hotel.
Lunch: Hong Kong Restaurant
Dinner: Hotel Niagara
Parapat - Hotel Niagara Tel : +62-625 41028
Day 3 (18Sep-Sun) Parapat - Medan ( Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
Breakfast at hotel. Proceed to Medan via Pematang Siantar. After lunch at local restaurant, proceed to visit Maimun Palace, shopping at Medan Mall, Pasar Ikan Lama, Batik House and Fashion Outlet. Check in Hotel Garuda Plaza afterwards and dinner will be served at local restaurant.
Lunch: Sheraton Restaurant
Dinner: Avia Samudera Restaurant
Medan - Garuda Plaza Hotel Tel : +62-61-7361111
Day 4 (19Sep-Mon) Medan / KL (Breakfast)
After breakfast at hotel, free program until transfer to airport for your flight to next destination.
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