Assemble at Kuala Lumpur International Airport for your superjet flight to Auckland. New Zealand's largest city and gateway to the North Island.

Day 02 AUCKLAND (L / D )
Upon arrival at Auckland International Airport, you will be met our representative. Your exciting holiday of beautiful New Zealand will begin with an orientation tour of the Queen City to see the Harbour Bridge. Wat Museum, Yacht Club, Mount Eden and Queen Street.

This morning, take a leisurely drive to the thermal wonderland of Rotorua. Enroute, a stop will be made at Waitomo Caves. You will be given a guided tour of the fascinating underground caves where millions of glow-worms illuminate the darkness therein. On arrival at Rotorua, visit the Rainbow Springs where you can hand-feed rainbow trouts and meet the native Kiwi birds. Proceed to Rainbow Farm for the farm shows which include sheep shearing, milking and sheep dogs at work. This evening, you will be treated to a spectacular Maori Concert and Hangi Dinner.
After breakfast, visit the Whakarewarewa Thermal Reserve where you can see spouting geysers and boiling mudpools. After lunch, transfer to the airport for your flight to Christchurch, the most 'English town outside of England'. On arrival you will be brought on a sightseeing tour of the dty covering the Cathedral Square, Hagley Park, Avon River and the University of Canterbury Complex. Enjoy a splendid view from the rugged Cashmere Hills.

After breakfast, travel through the Canterbury Plains before arriving at Lake Tekapo where you will see the Church of Good Shepherd. Set off for Mt. Cook National Park where you can view the mighty 3764 metre high Mt. Cook. To the Maori people, it is aptly known as "Aorangi" which literally means the "Cloud Piercer". If weather permits, why not take an optional ski plane ride to the Tasman Glasier and experience landing on the snowfield. Next, journey through Mckenzie Country and the Lindi Pas to arrive at Queenstown.

Queenstown is the principle holiday resort of the South Island. Today is free to do as you please. Take a cruise along Lake Wakatipo in a steamer, try rafting or jet boating, the choice is yours!

Morning, depart Queenstown and journey back to Christchurch for overnight accommodation.

After a pleasant vacation, you will be transfer to the airport for your return flight to Kuala Lumpur bringing along lots of fine memories and memories.

11D 9N New Zealand & Farm Stay

Depart Kuala Lumpur on your scheduled flight to Christchurch via Singapore. Enjoy your inflight services.

Upon arrival into Christchurch, go on a City tour of Christchurch, passing by Cathedral Square, Town hall, Canterbury University, Botanic Garden, Hagley Park and the romantic Avon river. Next visit Willowbank Wildlife Reserve to see New Zealand Nocturnal wildlife in their natural environment. You can even have a close look at the kiwi bird.

Today, depart Christchurch and travel through the Canterbury Plains, over Burke Pass, into the McKenzie Country. Stop by at Lake Tekapo to view the Church of the Good Shepherd. Next continue journey to Twizel (Mt Cook region) where we make a stop for a close look at Mt Cook, the highest Mountain in New Zealand. If weather permits, you may want to take an optional scenic helicopter flight to view the snowcapped mountains and experience the thrill of landing on a snowfield. Otherwise simply take out your camera to capture the picture perfect scenery. Then proceed to Queenstown where we will stay overnight.

This morning begin the day with a visit to Arrowntown, once a booming gold rush town. Next make a stop at the Kawarau River Bungy jump site. Where you will be able to view the Bungy jumping in action. This afternoon catch a ride on the Skyline Gondola for a buffet lunch at the Skyline Restaurant where you can enjoy an unhindered view of Queenstown. The rest of the day will be free at leisure.

Today will be a free day for you to explore Queenstown. You may like to join some optional tours such as Jetboating, white water rafting, Milford Sound Cruise or even paragliding.

Today we will depart Queenstown for Fox Glacier via Cromwell, where we will make a stop at Mrs Jones Fruit Orchard. Continue the journey to the world-famous Fox Glacier in the Westland National Park. If time and weather permits, you may want to join an optional guided walk to the foot of the Glacier or a Glacier landing helicopter ride.

Today start off your journey along the coastline of the West Coast with a view of the Tasman Sea. Make a stop at Hokitika to visit the Glass Blowing Studio and the Greenstone Factory -renowned for its high quality crafts such as jade or green stone. Next we proceed to the Pancake Rock at Punakaiki - The Pancake Rocks, are a unique natural attraction on New Zealand's South Island West Coast. Layers of water sculpted limestone, resembling stacks of pancakes, form a fantastic tableau - made even more dramatic by the shooting geysers of sea spray often evident at high tides. Proceed on with your journey via Arthur Pass and the Canterbury Plan before arriving back to Christchurch.

Depart on a domestic flight to Rotorua. On arrival, proceed to Whakarewarewa Thermal Reserve where you will be able see geysers and mud pools. This afternoon, take a leisure walk at the Rotorua Lake front, where you can feed the Black Swan and also take some photos at the Government Garden. This evening, enjoy the warmth of the Maori people with a Hangi (feast) and Cultural performance.

This morning, visit Agrodome for a world famous stage-show featuring 19 breeds of sheep and the antics of working sheep dogs. You can also visit the Chocolate Factory where you can watch how chocolates are being made and sample the goodies. If time permits you can even optional some optional activities at the Agrodome like the Agrojet, Agrodome Zorb or even go on a Marine Helicopter ride. Next, stop at the Paradise Valley Springs to view trouts and other wildlife. In the afternoon, you will be taken to the Cambridge for your farm stay where you will be met by your farm host. (Each group will be split into smaller numbers for maximum comfort).
This morning, bid farewell to your farm host and travel to Waitomo caves to see glowworms. Enjoy a boat ride on the underground river illuminated by the tiny lights of millions of glowworms. Continue our journey through the Waikato to Auckland. Your city tour this afternoon includes a leisurely drive through New Zealand's largest pleasure boat marina Westhaven, Queen Street, Auckland University, Auckland Harbour bridge, and to Mt Eden, one of Auckland's extinct volcanoes to enjoy the spectacular view over the city and its beautiful harbour.


After breakfast, you are free at leisure until your transfer to airport for your flight back home.

9天8晚 岘港/順化/會安/大叻/永隆/芹苴/胡志明市

第1天 吉隆坡-胡志明市-岘港 (机上便餐/晚餐)
集合于吉隆坡雪邦国际机场,搭乘内陆客机飞往越南第一都会胡志明市。抵达胡志明市“ 新山-机场”后,转内陆航班飞往岘港。抵达后,由专人专车接机。晚餐于当地餐厅。

第 2 天 峴港 /會安古城 (早/午/晚餐)
早餐後,參觀岘港港口,以及『占婆博物館』,了解越南占婆時期文物遺跡,占婆遺跡最為精彩的石雕於1915年全被法國Ecole Francaised Extreme Orinent收集於此,沈浸於越南古代文化中,別有一番不同的感受。之後專車參觀稱為金、木、水、火、土『五行山』欣賞中部秀麗的風光。 午餐后,乘 车 赴会安古城。遊覽『會安古城』,會安是一座古色古香的古城,現已列為世界文化遺產,處處顯露了獨特的文化氣息。 景点包括 会 安 博 物 馆,古色古香 的建筑 物,日本 桥,以及 华 人 庙 等。之后,前往會安古城逛街購物,或於古城內優閒的消磨美好時光。

第 3 天 會安古城 / 峴港 / 順化 (早/午/晚餐)
早餐後,乘车前往顺化。途經越南欣賞雲海最佳地點 - 雲海山峽,風景美不勝收。車經由日本投資興建,長度達6公里之穿山隧道前往『順化古都』,此地就像中國的北京城一樣,聯合國科教文組織(UNESCO)於1994年認定順化為世界文化遺產,肯定其觀光價值。抵达后,參觀『大內皇城』,阮朝開國君王於1804年始建,費時30年完工,為1802年至1945年阮朝之皇都。隨後前往皇陵建築參觀,每座皇陵都是在當代皇帝在位時開始興建,因此,從皇陵建築的設計可隱約看出當時皇帝不同的性格以及所受當時社會環境的影響。之后参观古城堡(Citadel),以及东巴市场。晚餐于当地餐厅。晚餐後,接往酒店休息,解除旅途的疲憊。

第 4 天 順化 / 胡志明市 (内陆航班) (早/午/晚餐)
早餐後,搭船遊覽『香江』河畔瀏覽江邊兩岸之風景及順化市集,古意盎然,非常詩情畫意。途中參觀『天姥寺』,此寺建於十六世紀中葉,其所在位置據說為龍脈之首,不僅地理風水好連風景視野都是上乘之選。午餐後,接往机场乘搭内陆飞机前往胡志明市。抵达后,接机。晚餐于川行 西贡 河上 的 水 上夜总会享用晚餐以及观赏表演。

第5天 胡志明市 / (5 小 时) 大叻 (早/午/晚餐)
早餐后,专车前往有1600 公尺高之大叻。这里的气温从摄氏13-21度。四季花开如春,气候凉爽,景色雄伟。沿途参观水帘洞(Prenn 瀑布)。抵达后,参观爱情山谷,保大皇行宫,明心别墅花园,以及天王古萨寺。晚餐品尝新鲜蔬菜火锅。

第6天 大叻 / 胡志明市 (早/午/晚餐)
早餐后,乘车 返回胡志明 市。 沿途参观DAMRI 大瀑布,咖啡园,以及茶园。抵达后,接往酒店休息。晚餐于当地餐厅。

第 7 天 胡志明市-永隆-芹苴 (早/午/晚餐)
早餐后, 乘车前往永隆 (Vinh Long), 途经美拖(Mytho) 。抵达丐皮镇(Cai Be) 后, 前往码头然后乘船赴丐皮水上市集(Cai Be Floating Market) 游览。這個市集是在前江、永隆、檳椥三省交會點的前江段上,從凌晨到下午五時,數百只船集中在這裏買賣各種貨物:百貨雜品、機電產品、服裝,也有餐飲、理髮等服務業,就像陸地市集一樣。最多的還是當地出產的水果和產物,需要出售的貨樣掛在船篷的高竿上。每天有400至500隻大船滿載水果停在河邊等待顧客。之后,游览新風島-水上市集右岸是新風島,島上所種的紅毛丹果又大又甜。南部水網地帶獨有的這種水上市集將給您留下深刻的印象。之后参观永隆市场。游毕, 乘车赴芹苴(CAN THO)。

第 8 天 芹苴 / 胡志明市 (早/午/晚 餐)
早餐后,参观【鳳協水上市集-Phung Hiep Floating Market】芹苴省鳳協七叉口是七條支流交會點,舟楫如梭,買賣的貨物與其他市集相同,另有土產龜、蛇,在這裏,您可以看到令人膽寒的危險的蛇戲表演,還可品嘗風味獨特的蛇酒。之后,游览〖My Khanh Garden- 美卡果园,园内有超过20种的热带果树,以及美丽花卉。【老爺寺(廣肇會館)】在二徵夫人路,寧橋渡口附近,建於1894-1896年,佔地532平方米,至今幾乎完整如初。頂蓋陰陽瓦,脊蓋青瓷筒瓦,置有各種彩色脊飾:兩龍朝月、鯉魚化龍、鳳鳥。項角飾以兩尊手托月日的人像。本寺祭祀代表著忠義道德的三國名將關公南海觀音、太白星君、土地神、董永等,是芹苴華人從事信仰和文化活動的場所,1993年被越南文化通訊部列為國家藝術、建築遺跡。游毕, 乘车返回胡志明市。

第 9天 胡志明市 / 吉隆坡 (早/机上便餐)

8天6晚 首尔/济洲岛/MBC 电视城(大长今)/雪岳山/滑雪场

第一天 吉隆坡-仁川

第二天 仁川-济州岛 (午、晚餐)

第三天 济州岛 (早、午、晚餐)

第四天 济州岛-首尔-滑雪场 (早、午、晚餐)

第五天 滑雪场-雪岳山 (早、午、晚餐)

第六天 雪岳山-首尔 (早、午、晚餐)

第七天 首尔- 仁川 (早、午餐)

第八天 仁川-吉隆坡 (早餐)

8 Days 6Nights Seoul/Cheju Island/MBC Studio/Mt. Sorak/Ski Resort

Day 01 Kuala Lumpu / Incheon
Assemble at KLIA for your flight to Korea - Incheon.

Day 02 Incheon / Cheju Island (L/D)
Early morning, arrival at Incheon International airport. Later, you will be transfer to the domestic airport for your flight to Cheju Island. Upon arrival, visit to Mok Sun Won Park is a special park that display artistically shaped natural stones and dried tree roots. Next, visit to Dragon`s Head Rock, all lava formation, lies on the coast just west of Cheju. Later, you will be taken to the most Mystery Road in the world.

Day 03 Cheju Island (B/L/D)
This morning visit to Sunrise Peak where you can have a panoramic view of the Sunrise. Continues visit to Cheonjiyeon Waterfall and Songup Folk Village. Here you can meet the friendly island people who still live behind stone courtyard walls in thatched-roof rock homes.

Day 04 Cheju / Seoul / Ski Resort (B/L/D)
Early morning back to Seoul by domestic flight. Upon arrival, transfer to visit MBC Studio. 2004 the most popular drama at Korea “Jewel in the Palace” shooting place. Thereafter, proceed to Stay over night at Ski Resort.

Day 05 Ski Resort / Mt. Sorak (B/L/D)
After breakfast, a brief ski lesson, where you can learn how to ski on white snow. Enjoy the favorites view of the snow-covered country with ski festival. (Ski equipment cost at own expenses). Thereafter, transfer to Mt. Sorak, the most beautiful National Park in Korea. Visit to the Shinheung Temple, built by Shilla Kingdom monk Chajang.

Day 06 Mt. Sorak / Seoul (B/L/D)
After breakfast, transfer to Everland (Admission only), which has thrilling, rides, a jungle safari bus tour, Zoo and fantasy. After that shopping at Dongdaemun Market. Evening, visit to the Famous Casino Walker Hill Resort. You may join an optional tour for enjoy a Las Vegas & Cultural Dance show over here.

Day 07 Seoul / Incheon (B/L)
Morning, visit to Kyongpok Palace, National Folk Museum and Blue House. Thereafter, visit to the Ginseng Center & Amethyst Factory. Tour continue, to the exciting New Tourist attraction will introduce Fun Themes like Magic & Fantasy Land - Lotte World (Best 5 tickets).

Day 08 Incheon / Kuala Lumpur (B)
Morning, morning free at leisure until transfer to airport for your flight back to home.


Assemble at KLIA for your pleasant flight to the capital city of Philippines- Manila. Arrival, meet and transfer to hotel. Overnight in Manila

After breakfast, go on an introductory tour of Metro Manila, the main capital and gateway to all main island destinations in the country. Visit the old walled city of Intramuros and walk through its cobbled street, paved with Spanish colonial building and church plazas. Other highlights include Manila's tourist belt which is known for its antique and art galleries, curio and souvenir shops, museums, cafes and performance theaters; and the financial center and trendy shopping district of Makati City. Overnight in Manila.

After breakfast, proceed to ferry boat terminal for an hour cruise to the historic island of Corregidor. The tour gives a glimpse of the furious harbor defense of Manila during the war and how it has been transformed into a leisurely tropical isle. Whole day tour includes buffet lunch, Malinta Tunnel Lights and Sound Show and rolling scenic ride around the island on board a turn-of-the-century streetcar or tranvia. Return to Manila late in the afternoon. Overnight in Manila.

After breakfast, proceed to one of the most spectacular destinations in the country, Pagsanjan, a 1 1/2-hour relaxing drive southeast of Manila, past a rustic panorama. The highlight of the tour is a dug-out canoe ride up the river, amidst towering gorges and steep canyons blanketed by lush vegetation, to a large waterfall. From there, the canoe "shoots the rapids," expertly steered by brawny boatman through swirling waters and breath-catching narrow passes between huge boulders in exhilirating downstream descent. Tour includes buffet lunch at a riverside hotel. Overnight in Manila.

Breakfast in hotel. Day at leisure before hotel departure. Transfer to the International Airport for return flight.


Assemble at KLIA Airport for your pleasant flight to Chiangmai. Arrive in Chiangmai. You will be met by our representative and proceed to visit Wat Pharthat Doi Suthep. Doi Suthep, tucked away in the mountain at an elevation of 1,056 meters above sea level. The temple is reached by a staircase with 290 steps, flanked by a NAGA balustrade on both sides. The monastery was built by King Gue-Na in 1383. The center is a big Chedi (spired pagoda), which contains partial relics of Lodge Buddha. The temple compound offers an exhilarating view of Chiangmai city and surrounding countryside. Tonight dinner is the typical Northern Thai Khantoke dinner with cultural show. After dinner, you will shop at one of the largest night bazaar in Thailand.

Day 02 CHIANGMAI /Elephant Camp/Home Industries (B/L/D)
After breakfast, we visit the Elephant Camp and watch the skilled elephants at work. The show comprises elephants bathing and playing in the river, a display of elephants at work and opportunity to take an elephant-back ride (optional).
Continue to visit an Orchid Farm & Butterfly Farm. In the afternoon, tour of Sankamphaeng Handicraft Village: See the manufacturing of lacquer ware, the spinning and weaving of Thai Silk and how paper umbrellas are made. We also make a stop at one of the biggest gemstone factory in the world.

After breakfast, coach will overland to Lampang. Lampang was traditionally the center of the northern teak industry. The town is famous for its brightly coloured horse-drawn carriage, which are a popular form of transport. We will visit Wat Phra That Luang, is considered the most beautiful temple in Thailand. Then we will continue our journey to Sukhothai, where you will visit the UNESCO World Heritage site and the ancient ruins at Sukhothai Historical Park, Wat Maha That, the royal temple with a giant chedi built to house Buddha relics brought from Sri Lanka , Wat Sri Chum with it's gigantic Buddha statue, and Ramkhamheang National Museum contains an outstanding collection of the arts and crafts of Sukhothai, including statues, Buddha images and old celadon found within the old city. After that, drive to Phitsanulok. This strategically-located town and province is a major commercial and transport hub, that was a former Khmer outpost and later the birthplace of King Naresuan.

Morning we will visit Wat Phra Si Rattana Mahathat. This temple housed the most beautiful Buddha image in Thailand, an imposing gold-plated image of Phra Buddha Chinnarat. Thereafter, we will visit King Naresuan The Great Shrine. After the tour, we will drive to Chiangmai for overnight stay.

Breakfast at hotel. Free until your departure transfer to the airport.


DAY 01 KUALA LUMPUR/INCHEON (KE672 0105/0820hrs)
Assemble at KLIA for your departure flight to the capital city of South Korea - Seoul, the bustling city in the “Land of Morning Calm”.

Morning arrival at Incheon International Airport, meet and you will transfer to Mt. Seorak, one of the Korea’s, most beautiful mountain area. It boasts numerous valleys well-know for their spring blossoms and fall foliage. Mt. Soerak is towering 1,708m above sea level. Ascend the Summit by cable car, take a peek at the impressive Gwongeumseong(Fortress), which commands an excellent view of outer Seorak Region. Next stop is Sinheung Temple, a historical monument constructed during the Shilla Era. Next we visit to the famous Korean Drama (Endless Love) shooting place A-Bai Village, which is Enxi’s hometown.

After breakfast, proceed to Chuncheon city, you may shop at center of town Myeongdong Street. After lunch, we proceed to the Nami Island, it was taking a photograph [Winter Sonata], visit the Road of Happiness, along tie lakeside road are as wide array of leisure. Thereafter, proceed to to visit MBC Cultural Valley “Dajanggeum Theme Park”. Overnight in Gyeonggido.

Breakfast at local restaurant. Morning transfer to Everland (Admission only) - stating with the European Adventure, the festival world showcase and a full range of exotic experiences all waiting for you around the year. It has thrilling rides, a jungle safari bus tour, Zoo and fantasy. After that, we overland to Seoul city. Arrival, you will enjoy shopping spree at Dongdaemun Market. The famous Ginseng chicken soup will be served at local restaurant. Evening, we visit to the Famous Sheraton Walkerhill Casino Resort. You may join an optional tour for enjoy a Las Vegas & Cultural Dance show over here.

Breakfast at local restaurant. Morning we visit the Kyongbok Palace, built in 1394 as the main palace of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910) by its founder King Taejo, it is the most comprehensive and grandest of the five palaces of the Joseon Dynasty. Then tour to National Folk Museum, where you can learn about the lifestyle the people from prehistoric to present times and the largest museum in Korea exhibits 135,000 cultural assets of Korea. We will pass by the Presidential Blue House and Noble House Village. Thereafter visit to Ginseng Centre and Amethyst Factory. After lunch, proceed for Iteawon or Myeongdong for shopping tour. Then continue to the exciting tourist attraction will introduce Fun Themes like Magic & Fantasy Land - Lotte World (With best 5 ticket).

DAY 06 INCHEON / KUALA LUMPUR (KE671 1815/2350) (B)
Check-out hotel. Breakfast at local restaurant. Transfer to the shop for last minute shopping for local product. Then coach will transfer you to the airport for your flight home. Home sweet home!

6天4晚 首尔/雪岳山/南怡岛 +MBC大长今 + 爱宝乐园 + 乐天世界

第1天 吉隆坡 / 仁川 ( KE672 0105/0820) (机上便餐)

第2天 仁川 / 雪岳山 (午晚餐)
早晨抵达仁川机场。乘旅游车往东北部名山之一的雪岳山国立公园;庄严直立的山峰,引人探幽访胜。然后乘缆车到位于海拔860米高处的展望台,游览权金城。继续游览新兴寺统一大佛,它也是世界上最大的青铜座佛。过后,游览韩剧《蓝色生死恋》之恩熙的家-阿爸村。在此,您可参观恩熙曾经住过的小杂货店。酒店: Naksan Freya Resort / 同级 (当地4*)

第3天 雪岳山 / 南怡岛 / 春川 / MBC STUDIO 大长今 (早午晚餐)
早餐后,乘车抵达码头后搭乘游览船前往韩剧《冬季恋歌》的拍摄场地-〖南怡岛〗。此美丽小岛有著翠绿的草地及楸树林道,自行车道,环岛马车等等。游览,剧中人物牵手漫步的〖爱情小路〗,令人回想剧中的浪漫情节。过后,前往春川的〖明洞大街〗在此您还可以购物一番。继续前往参观 (MBC STUDIO) 热门韩据《大长今》最主要的拍摄场景。此地是重新搭建的摄影场景,您会发现据中的一点一滴都真实呈现在您眼前。最后体验韩国自然之旅,贵宾门在美食老师的带领下,采用韩国正宗配料,充分享受自己DIY 体验制作泡菜的乐趣。

第4天 京畿道 / 龙仁-爱宝乐园 / 首尔 (早晚餐)

第5天 首 尔 / 乐天世界 /仁川 (早午晚餐)

第6天 仁川 / 吉隆坡 (KE671 1815/2350) (早餐/机上便餐)

9 Days 7Nights Russia - Moscow / St. Petersburg

Assemble at KLIA for your departure flight to Moscow via Doha. Morning arrival in Doha, then take a connecting flight to Moscow. Arrival, meet and transfer to hotel. Dinner will be served at local restaurant.

Breakfast in hotel. Morning proceed for the city sightseeing tour include Red Square, Lenin Mausoleum, Unknown Soldier Tomb, Zhukov Statue, Alexander Garden, the oldest department store in Russia – GUM, and Kremlin. After lunch, visit The Arch of Triumph, Victory Square, Moscow State University and Leninsky Hills Observation Deck. After dinner, take an overnight (2 persons per compartment) train to St. Petersburg.

Morning arrive in St. Petersburg. Breakfast at local restaurant. Morning commence on the city sightseeing tour include Copper Horse Rider (Statue of Peter the Great), St. Issac’s Cathedral, Admiralty, and Maria Theater Square. After lunch, visit one of the largest museums in the world – “the Hermitage” (Winter Palace) and the Palace Square. Dinner will be served at local restaurant. Evening you may join the cruise along the Neva River for the beautiful view of Finland’s Bay (Optional).

Breakfast in hotel. Morning a trip to Summer Palace, known as Petergof (former summer residence of the Russia Tsars). Peterhof has the world’s largest complex of fountains, which surround its many museum. After lunch, visit “Aurora” cruiser and the crucible of the city – Petropavlovskaya fortress, also known as Peter & Paul’s Fortress. Evening you may like to enjoy the famous ballet performance and Russia Cultural Show (optional).

Breakfast in hotel. Morning tour to Catherine Palace Garden in Pushkin Town. The palace and park complex of Tsarskoye Selo is located twenty-five kilometers south of St.Petersburg. Afternoon, we tour the Church on Spilled Blood, and some time stroll along the Nevsky Prospect for shopping spree. After dinner, take an overnight train back to Moscow.

Day 06 MOSCOW (B/L/D)
Morning at arrive in Moscow. Breakfast at local restaurant. Morning visit the USSR Economic Achievements Exhibition (VDNKH). After lunch, tour to Kolomenskoe Estate (scenery museum an open air). Then transfer to hotel for check-in. Dinner will be served at local restaurant.

Day 07 MOSCOW (B/L/D)
Breakfast in hotel. Morning commence on orientation city tour include Moscow Theater, The Cathedral of the Christ the Saviour, Novodevichy Convent, White House and Moscow Metro Station. After lunch, walk down pedestrian street “Old Arbat” and you can shop for the lovely Russia souvenir here. Late afternoon, you may want to join the cruise along the Moscow River (optional).

Breakfast in hotel. Morning free at own leisure until time transfer to the airport for your departure flight to Kuala Lumpur via Doha.

Home sweet home.

9天7晚 俄罗斯风情游-莫斯科/圣彼得堡

第 一 天 吉 隆 坡-多 哈 - 莫 斯 科 (航 班) (晚 餐)
团 员集 合 于吉 隆 坡 雪 邦 国 际 机 场, 乘 搭 豪 华 客 机 飞 往 多 哈转机。早 晨 抵 达 多 哈 后, 转 机 飞 往 俄 罗 斯 最 大 城 市 及首 都-莫 斯 科。 抵 达 后, 由 专 人 接 往 酒 店 休 息。 晚 餐 于 当 地 餐 厅。

第 二 天 莫 斯 科 市 区 游-圣 彼 得 堡 ( 早,午,晚 餐)
早 餐 后 退 房。 上 午 游 览: 红 场, 列 宁 墓, 无 名 列 士 墓, 朱 可 夫 雕 像 和 亚 历 山 大 花 园, 俄 罗 斯 最 古 老 的 百 货 公 司- 古 姆 商 场, 克 里 姆 林 宫。 午 餐 后, 游 览 二 战 胜 利 广 场, 凯 旋 门, 国 际 最 高 学 府 莫 斯 科 大 学, 以 及列 宁 山 观 景 台。 晚 餐 后, 乘 夜 卧 火 车(4 人 厢 房) 赴 圣 彼 得 堡。

第 三 天 圣 彼 得 堡 ( 早, 午,晚 餐)
早 晨 抵 达圣 彼 得 堡。 早 餐 于 当 地 餐 厅。 上 午 参 观 游 览 城 市 主 要 景 点: 青 铜 骑 士( 彼 得 一 世 铜 像), 伊 萨 大 教 堂( 外 观), 玛 丽 亚 剧 院 广 场, 海 军 部 大 楼, 以 及斯 莫 尔 尼 贵 族 女 子 中 学。 午 餐 后, 参 观 原 沙 皇 皇 宫, 现 世 界 上 收 集 艺 术 品 最 多 的 博 物 馆 之 一 的“ 冬宫“ 以 及 广 场。 晚 餐 于 当 地 餐 厅。 餐 后, 您 可 乘 涅 瓦 河 游 船 赏 芬 兰 湾 美 景(自费 项 目)。

第 四 天 圣 彼 得 堡 ( 早, 午,晚 餐)
早 餐 于 酒 店。 上 午 专 车 赴 郊 外 游 览 享 誉 世 界 的 沙 皇 避 暑 圣 地-彼 得夏 宫, 欣 赏 上 花 园, 下 花 园 和 喷 泉 花 园。 午 餐 后, 参 观“ 阿 芙 乐 尔“ 巡 洋 舰, 彼 得 堡 罗 要 塞。 晚 餐 后, 自 费 观 赏 闻 名 遐 迩 的 芭 蕾 舞 秀或 俄 罗 斯 民 族 歌 舞 表 演。

第 五 天 圣 彼 得 堡 / 莫 斯 科 ( 早, 午,晚 餐)
早 餐 后 退 房。 上 午 专 车 前 往 近郊 的 沙 皇 村, 参 观 凯 萨 琳 大 帝 皇 宫 。 午 餐 后,游 览 滴 血 大 教 堂( 外 观), 然 后 前 往 圣 市 主 要 大 街《 涅 瓦 大 街》 购 物 闲 逛。 晚 餐 后, 乘 夜 卧 火 车 回 莫 斯 科。

第 六 天 抵达莫 斯 科 ( 早, 午,晚 餐)
早 晨 抵 达 莫 斯 科。 早 餐 于 当 地 餐 厅。上 午 游 览 俄 罗 斯 展 览 中 心。 午 餐 后, 游 览 卡 罗 缅 斯 基 庄 园 。 然 后 接 往 酒 店 休 息。晚 餐 于 当 地 餐 厅。

第 七 天 莫 斯 科 ( 早, 午,晚 餐)
早 餐 于 酒 店。上 午 前 往 莫 斯 科 市 区游 览。 景 点: 莫 斯 科 大 剧 院(外 观), 基 督 救 世 主 大 教 堂, 白 宫( 外 观),新 圣 母 修 道 院, 以及参 观 莫 斯 科 美 仑 美 化 的地 铁 站。 午 餐 后, 前 往 阿 尔 巴 特 步 行 街 购 物 闲 逛, 选 购 俄 罗 斯 独 特 的 手 工纪 念 品。 下 午,您 可 自 费 游 莫 斯 科 河 或 观 赏 著 名 的 马 戏 团 表 演。晚 餐 于 当 地 餐 厅。

第 八 天 莫 斯 科 - 多 哈(卡 塔 尔)-吉 隆 坡 ( 早餐)
早 餐 于 酒 店。早 上 自 由 活 动 直 至 由 专 车 接 往 机 场,乘 搭 豪 华 客 机 飞 往 吉 隆 坡, 途 经多 哈 转 机。

第 九 天 抵 达吉 隆 坡
安 全 抵 达 可 爱 家 园。 祝 您 旅 途 愉 快。

7 天5 晚 日本本洲游 / 大阪-京都-富士山-箱根-河口湖+日本環球影城 + 东京迪斯尼樂園

第一天 吉隆坡-大阪 (MH52 KUL/KIX 2345/0715+1)

第三天 大阪 - 日本環球影城 ( 早/ 晚 餐)
當您早上抵達關西國際機場時,您將受到我們專業導遊的歡迎和接待。自助早餐于酒店。之后,前往日本環球影城游览。日本環球影城是以美國好萊塢出品,風靡全球的熱門電影作品為主題背景,其有乘坐遊具,精彩刺激的特技秀,以及叫座又叫嘉的餘興 節目。男女老少都能夠盡情暢快身如其境的體驗到美國好萊塢風格的主題樂園(包括全日套票)。 之 后,前往SHINSAIBASHI心斋桥自由购 物 闲 逛。晚 餐后, 您 将 可以 体 验 乘 子 弹 火 车 的 快 速 的感觉.

第二天 大阪- 柰 良-京都 -丰 桥 ( 早/ 午/ 晚 餐)
早 餐 后, 退房。驱车 赴 柰良 古 都。游览奈良公園~【東大寺】入內參觀,小鹿悠遊草皮,長綠樹之上與紅葉相互輝映著。之后,乘 车 赴京都之旅。首站我們將遊覽歷史悠久的平安神宮。平安神宮建造於794年間,它是京都首建的皇宮。在神宮後院有一座非常寬大並且景色怡人的公園。隨後參觀清水寺。該歷史悠久的寺廟,整座建築完全不用鐵釘釘鎖。沿途坡道兩旁是日 式古老建築及商店,擺滿了各種各式的日本手工藝品、陶瓷、日本娃娃等,不勝枚舉。游毕,乘车前往丰桥住宿。

第四天 丰 桥-滨 松-富士山-箱根-河口湖 ( 早/ 午/ 晚 餐)
早餐后,我們將乘搭子彈火車從丰桥到滨松。之后乘 车 赴前往富士山~日本最高的山。它是一座沉睡的活火山,如天 氣允許的話,您還可登上五合目站觀美景。前往箱根。如天氣許可,您將可在寧靜優美的蘆之湖乘搭遊船欣賞湖周边美景。於河畔享用日 式午餐。晚上,您將在酒店內享用日式火鍋,用餐後您可嘗試日式溫泉。

第五天 河口湖-東京市內觀光 ( 早/ 午/ 晚 餐)
早餐後,前往東京並展開東京之旅。過後,我們將到台場,路經彩虹橋。参观东京HINO 厂。過後,我們將座落在高級購物天堂~銀座的田崎珍珠展覽館,欣賞珍珠的製造過程。沿途中,我們將路經皇宮和國會大廈。我們將到淺草觀音寺,以及售賣琳琅滿目紀念品的仲見世商店街。

第六天 迪斯尼樂園 / 成 田 ( 早/ 晚 餐)
早餐後,前往令人大開眼界,佔地84英畝的迪斯尼樂園。您可隨探遊五大主題歡樂~幻想樂園、西方樂園、冒險樂園及明日樂園,精彩 刺激。肯定讓您樂而忘返(包括全日套票)。晚餐后,乘车前往成田住宿。

第七天 成田-吉隆坡 (MH71 NRT/KUL 1330/2005) ( 早餐)

7Days 5Nights Honshu / Japan Tour

Overnight flight to Kansai by flight.

You will be met and assisted by our professional tour guide upon arrival in Kansai International Airport. Proceed straight for a tour of Kyoto - the old capital of Japan. Heian Shrine is first on our list of 'must sees' in Kyoto - not because it is old or very Japanese but because it is the reproduction of the first Imperial Palace built in 794. There is a very pretty garden in the rear quarters of the shrine. One of Kyoto's most impressive temples is the Kiyomizu Temple - perched on the slopes of Mt. Kiyomizu. Leaving the temple, go down the hill lined with shops selling local ceramics and other interesting.

This internationally successful theme park of Hollywood and Florida is now open in the Osaka Waterfront area, offering superb and state-of-the-art entertainment for you to experience video technology and the fun of movies. This 140 acre complex includes 18 fantastic rides and shows, as well as great dining and shopping. After dinner, you will transfer to Toyohashi for overnight stay. En route you will experience the bullet train ride ( from ? - Toyohashi)

After breakfast, you will experience the bullet ride from Toyohashi to Hatmamatsu (15minits Ride). Then rejoin coach, we will drive along the expressway to Mt. Fuji, the highest mountain in Japan. Fuji-san is an almost-extinct volcano which is held in sacred awe by the people. Enjoy a panoramic view of the surrounding lake district from the 5th station of Mt. Fuji. After a Japanese lunch, we will visit Hakone, famous for its hot spring resorts. Enjoy a traditional steamboat dinner in our Japanese inn located in Lake Kawaguchi district.

We will drive past the "Rainbow Bridge" to the Odaiba Waterfront area. Shopping awaits you at the classic European mall "Venus Fort" and "Palette Town' that houses the Toyota City Showcase and Future World. Learn how pearls are cultured at the Tasaki Pearl Gallery, located in the classy Ginza district. We will also drive past the Imperial Palace and Diet Building during our tour. Visit the Asakusa Kannon Temple (officially known as Sensoji), dedicated to the Goddess of Mercy. You will find many local arts and crafts along the Nakamise shops lining the path to this temple founded in the 7th century.

A whole day of fun awaits you in the world's largest Disneyland. There are plenty of attractions to be enjoyed by the young or old in this wonderful theme park. We will include a Disneyland "passport" for every tour member for unlimited rides on any attraction. Explore the Fantasyland, Adventureland, Tomorrowland, Westernland and World Bazaar.

Free time for some last minute shopping before your departure flight.

8天7晚 上海+至尊江南之旅

第一天 吉隆坡~上海~杭州 (机上便餐,晚餐)

第二天 杭州~乌镇西栅水乡 (早餐,午餐,晚餐)
早餐后,前往参观苏东坡纪念馆,位于苏堤的南端。由庭院两层楼展厅用东坡世苑三部分组成。 随后,船游西湖-可看到三潭印月、断桥、冷西桥,听导游娓娓道来西湖的动人爱情故事。午餐后,参观岳王庙-位于西湖西北角的岳湖畔,内有忠烈庙、启忠祠和岳飞墓。忠烈庙内有民族英雄岳飞的塑像,上悬“还我河山”巨匾为岳飞手迹。随后,前往梅家坞品尝中国第一名茶,龙井问茶。之后,继续游览南宋民街清河坊,您可在此购买一些手工装饰品和纪念品。晚餐并夜宿于乌镇西栅水乡,这个刚开放不久的景区没有喧嚣的集市,没有摩肩接踵的游客,在小桥、 流水、青砖、黛瓦的江南水乡氛围,体会真正的水乡风情。

第三天 乌镇西栅水乡~苏州 (早餐,午餐,晚餐)

第四天 苏州~西山 (早餐,午餐,晚餐)
早餐后,前往游览狮子林,是仅存的元代历史名园,园内既有古典园林亭台楼阁之胜,更以大型湖石假山群著称。而后,前往丝绸加工厂,观赏丝绸服装表演秀。午餐后,前往西山。抵达后,游览石公山-位于太湖西西山岛东隅,三面环水、背倚丛岭、翠粕葱郁 ,如青螺伏水,似碧玉浮湖。随后,游览林屋洞-位于苏州太湖西山岛上,因洞内立石成林,洞顶平如屋而得名。

第五天 西山~无锡 (早餐,午餐,晚餐)
建有“春之媚” 、“夏之秀” 、“秋之韵” 、“冬之凝”四季花木林带。

第六天 无锡~上海 (早餐,午餐,晚餐)
早餐后,游览三国城-著名的电视剧«三国演义»拍摄之地。是目前太湖影视城中最大的景区。之 后,前往参观珍珠工厂。午餐后,前往上海游览江南古镇-七宝古镇。七宝古镇始于北宋,盛于明清,自古以来一直都是商贾云集,人文荟萃的一方宝地。晚餐后,游览东方明珠塔-为亚洲第一,世界第三高塔。在塔内俯瞰都市夜景,则是灯火辉煌,流光 溢彩。

第七天 上海 (早餐,午餐,晚餐)
· 早餐后,前往南京路-上海最繁华街道。之后,续程参观宋庆龄陵园,里有纪念广场、宋庆龄汉白玉雕像、由邓小平同志亲笔题词的宋庆龄纪念碑、宋庆龄生平事迹陈列室等纪念设施。午餐后,前往上海新天地,它是以上海独特的石库门建筑旧区为茎础改造成的集餐饮、商业、娱乐文、化的休闲步行街。晚餐后,夜游外滩,又称上海滩,上海夜景最棒的一地,能看见浦东的新颍建筑及浦西的万国建筑博览群。

第八天 上海~吉隆坡 (早餐,午餐,机上便餐)

8Days 7Nights Shanghai + Jiangnan Tour

Day 1 Kuala Lumpur ~ Shanghai ~ Hangzhou (MOB/L/D)
Assemble at Kuala Lumpur International Airport for your flight to Shanghai. Upon arrival, we will transfer to Hangzhou. After Dinner, will visit Xihu Tiandi, which the relax cafeteria area beside the West Lake.

Day 2 Hangzhou ~ Wuzhen Muzha Water Village (B/L/D)
After breakfast, visit to The Memorial Hall of Su Dongpo. At the southern end of Su Causeway, near the small southern lake, there is a small but gorgeous and elegant garden with dignified buildings. The hall has abundance collections of poems, calligraphy and painting, statuary and inscriptions on tablets. Take a cruise along West Lake. You can enjoy the beauty of landscape while listening to the romantic story. After lunch, continue to Yue Fei Temple. It was built in honor of General Yue Fei, a national hero of the Southern Song dynasty. Then visit to Meijiawu Dragon Well Tea Farm, enjoy Tea of Dragon Well the most famous Chinese tea in china. After that, visit Qinghefang – place of feature Ming & Qing Dynasty, where you can buy some souvenir. Proceed to Wuzhen Muzha Water Village for dinner and overnight in the water village, for you to experience the living environment of olden days.

Day 3 Wuzhen Muzha Water Village ~ Suzhou (B/L/D)
After breakfast, we will proceed to Wuzhen Muzha Water Village, an acient town with a history of 1300 years, another part of the water village which lately open for visit. Proceed to Suzhou for lunch, we will visit Tiger Hill, located on the northwestern outskirts of Suzhou. This Slanting Pagoda on the hill was built in the year 959. It is the symbol of ancient Suzhou City.

Day 4 Suzhou ~ Xishan ~ Suzhou (B/L/D)
After Breakfast, we will visit to Lion Forest Garden, known as the kingdom of rockeries, is a famous Yuan Dynasty Garden. Continue to Silk Factory. After lunch, we will proceed to Xishan to visit Shigong Hill and Linwu Cave.

Day 5 Suzhou ~ Wuxi (B/L/D)
Morning, we will visit The Giant Buddha in Mt. Lingshan. The 88 metres high Lingshan Buddha is the greatest standing Buddha statue in China. After Lunch, transfer to visit Tea Pot factory.
Continue to Li Hu Garden, where a good spot to have picture of Tai lake.

Day 6 Wuxi ~ Shanghai (B/L/D)
After breakfast, proceed to The Three Kingdoms City – established for shooting the TV series “Romance of the Three Kingdoms”. Continue to visit pearl factory. After Lunch, transfer to Shanghai Jiangnan old town - Qibao old town. After dinner, visit Oriental Pearl Tower. One may have a panoramic view of the whole city from the second level of the tower.

Day 7 Shanghai (B/L/D)
· After breakfast, visit Nanjing Road - the well-known shopping street in Shanghai. After that, transfer to visit the Mausoleum of Soong Qing Ling – is around the pine green, quiet and solemn. After Lunch, proceed to Shanghai Xintiandi, built in shanghai olden style living place “Shikumen”, a leisure area contain of restaurant, boutique, entertainment walking street.
Continue visit to the picturesque Bund is the symbol of Shanghai.

Day 8 Shanghai Kuala Lumpur (B/MOB)
After breakfast, we will shopping in Temple Business Centre. It gives you a feeling of shopping in the old street a hundred years ago. Transfer to Pudong International Airport by Shanghai Maglev Train, the fastest train in the world. For your flight back home.

8 Days 7Nights (Mt. Yellow) Huangshan + Jiangnan Tour

Day 1 Kuala Lumpur / Shanghai ~ Suzhou [MOB/D]
Assemble at Kuala Lumpur International Airport for your flight to Shanghai. Upon arrival, we will transfer to Suzhou and take a cruise along the Ancient Grand Canal, “Venice of Orient”. Along the canal we will see Pan Men and Rui-kuang Pagoda.

Day 2 Suzhou ~ Wuzhen ~ YiWu [B/L/D]
After breakfast, we will visit O Garden. Then, spend some time at Silk factory and enjoy a fashion show. Proceed to Wuzhen Water Village, an ancient town with a history of 1300 years. It is China last water town where you can still hear the echoes of the past. Continue our journey to YiWu International Trade City.

Day 3 YiWu ~ Longyou ~ Thousand Island Lake [B/L/D]
After breakfast, shopping at the YiWu International Trade City, then proceed to Longyou Grottoes, known as the ninth wonder of the world. After that, go to visit Thousand Island Lake.
Day 4 Thousand Island Lake ~ Mt.Yellow [B/L/D]
We will visit the four islands : Lock Island, Bird Island, Zhen-qu Island and Mei-Feng Island.
Then, we will continue visit to Ancient Street of Tunxi.

Day 5 Mt.Yellow ~ Tunxi [B/L/D]
After breakfast, continue our journey to Mt.Yellow Scenic Area by cable car. Mt Yellow has attracted tourists since ancient times for its picturesque natural sights. It has all the wonders of mountain scenery: spectacular rocky peaks, oddly-shape pines, crystal-clear springs, and seas of cloud. In 1990, it was listed by UNESCO as World Cultural and Natural Heritage. You may also enjoy the natural features of hot spring scenery while enrooting to Tunxi.

Day 6 Tunxi ~ Hangzhou [B/L/D]
After breakfast, we will transfer to Hangzhou, you can enjoy the sighseeing of Leifeng Pagoda and Qintangjiang Bridge on the coach. After arrival, take a cruise a long West Lake. You can enjoy the beauty of landscape while listening to the romantic story. Then visit to long life village, enjoy tea of Dragon Well the most famous Chinese tea in China.

Day 7 Hangzhou ~ Shanghai [B/L/D]
After breakfast, we will transfer to Shanghai and proceed to Temple Business Centre for shopping. It gives you a feeling of shopping in the old street a hundred years ago. Then proceed to Nanjing Road, the well-known shopping street in Shanghai. Visit to the picturesque The Bund, which is the symbol of Shanghai. It is located along the Huangpu River and you will enjoy the beautiful scenery of Shanghai at night.

Day 8 Shanghai / Kuala Lumpur [B/L/MOB]
After breakfast, we will visit to Mausoleum of Soong Qing-ling. After lunch, we will take the high speed train - Shanghai Maglev Train from Shanghai city center to Pudong International Airport for your flight back home.

8天7晚 魅力黄山+ 动感江南之旅

第一天 吉隆坡 / 上海 ~ 苏州 (机上便餐/晚餐)
聚集于吉隆坡国际机场飞往国际大都市上海。抵达后,专车送往上有天堂,下有苏杭美誉的苏州。我们将乘画舫游览有东方威尼斯之称的古运河,一路上可看到有二千五 百多年前的水陆城门-盘门及瑞光塔,而后入住酒店。

第二天 苏州 ~ 乌镇 ~ 义乌 (早/午/晚餐)
早餐后,参观世界文化遗产的园林-藕园。而后参观丝绸工厂。下午, 专车前 往最原汁原味、有1300年历史的水乡-乌镇。参观 百床馆、 拳船、钱币收藏馆及茅顿故居等等。而后,前往中国最大的小商品城-义乌国际商贸城,入住酒店。

第三天 义乌 ~ 龙游 ~ 千岛湖 (早/午/晚餐)
早餐后,前往义乌商品城自由购物.而后,乘车前往世界第九奇迹之称的龙游石窟. 后前往千岛湖。入住酒店。

第四天 千岛湖 ~ 黄山 (早/午/晚餐)
· 早餐后,游览千岛湖的四个岛屿的锁岛、鸟岛、真趣岛、梅峰岛。而后,游览屯溪老街,享有“活动着的清明上河图”之盛誉。续程前往黄山,入住酒店。

第五天 黄山~屯溪 (早/午/晚餐)
早餐后,乘坐缆车前往黄山风景区,游览小迎客松、排云亭始信峰、黑虎松、连理松、光明顶。而后, 一路下山经温泉风景区,前往屯溪, 入住酒店。

第六天 屯溪 ~ 杭州 (早/午/晚餐)

第七天 杭州 ~ 上海 (早/午/晚餐)
早餐后,前往上海,抵达后,游览城隍庙。过后,游览上海最繁华街道 - 南京路及夜游外滩、眺望东方明珠塔。入住酒店。

第八天 上海 ~ 吉隆坡 (早/午/机上便餐)

8Days 7Nights Fujian Tour + Yoongding Earth Building

Day 1 Kuala Lumpur ~ Xiamen [Meals On Board/Dinner]
Assemble at Kuala Lumpur International Airport for your flight to Xiamen. Upon arrival, check-in hotel.

Day 2 Xiamen ~ Mt. Wuyi [Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner]
After breakfast, proceed to Gulang Island. A small island in southwestern Xiamen. Gulang Island is known as the Garden on the Sea. The 280-foot-high Solar Rock, the highest peak on the island, is the symbol of the city. Overlook Shuzhuang Garden, Piano Museum and Sunlight Rock. After lunch, proceed to South Putuo Temple. The temple is built in the Tang Dynasty, is one of the most reputed Buddhist temples in South Fujian. Continue visit to the Huandao Road. Then, depart for Mt. Wuyi by domestic flight.

Day 3 Mt. Wuyi [Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner]
After breakfast, proceed to Heavenly Road, Tea Cave and Cloud Nest. Standing at the Heavenly Tour Peak provides the greatest view of Mt Wuyi area. After lunch, take a bamboo raft ride along Nine Twist Stream. A meander down the Nine Twist Stream, which is surrounded by exquisite, flowers and birds, a mix of history and legend, can provide tourists of pure magic. After that, we will visit tea factory.

Day 4 Mt. Wuyi ~ Fuzhou [Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner]
After breakfast, proceed to Wuyi Palace, located at the foot of King Peak. It was built during the Tang dynasty (618-907) for feudal rulers’ sacrificial services in honor of the Lord of Wuyi.
Then, continue visit Song-Dynasty-Style Street. After lunch, depart for Fuzhou by train.

Day 5 Fuzhou ~ Quanzhou [Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner]
After breakfast, proceed to Lin Zhe-xu Birth Place. Then, proceed to West Lake, is the most completed ancient garden in Fuzhou City and is called pearl of gardens in Fujian Province.
After lunch, continue visit to Jiangbin Road History Sculpture Gallery and Mt. Yu. Then, proceed to Quanzhou. Upon arrival, visit LuoYang Bridge and Marine Museum.

Day 6 Quanzhou ~ Zhangzhou ~ Longyan [Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner]
After breakfast, visit to Kaiyuan Temple - in the West Street of Quanzhou is a thousand-year-old temple renowned at home as well as abroad. After that, continue visit The East and West Pagoda and Tianhou Palace. After lunch, proceed to Longyan, enrounte Zhangzhou and visit Nanshan Temple.

Day 7 Longyan ~ Yongding Earth Building ~ Xiamen [Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner]
After breakfast, visit to Zhen Cheng Hakka Earth Building . After lunch, coach towards Xiamen . Upon arrival, visit Jimei School Village, Return Hall. – Jimei was the hometown of the distinguished overseas Chinese leader Chen Jiagang and is one of the four major science attractions in Xiamen.

Day 8 Xiamen ~ Kuala Lumpur [Breakfast/Lunch/Meals on Board]
After breakfast, visit Tiger Stream Rock, Bailuzhou Park and free shopping at Zhongshan Road .
After lunch, transfer to airport for your flight back to Kuala Lumpur.

8天7晚 厦门-武夷山-福州-泉州-漳州-龙岩-永定土楼

第一天 吉隆坡 厦门 ( 机 上 便 餐 , 晚 餐 )
集 合 于 吉 隆 坡 国 际 机 场 , 乘 坐 马 航 班 机 飞 往 厦 门 。 抵 达 后 , 返 酒 店 休 息 。

第二天 厦门 武夷山 ( 早 ,午 ,晚 餐 )
早 餐 后 , 前 往 游 览 鼓 浪 屿 - 是 一 九 八 七 年 新 开 辟 的 ,乘 搭 渡 轮 抵 达 鼓 浪 屿 。远眺 菽 庄 花 园、日 光 岩 以 及 郑 成 功 塑 像。午 餐后 ,前 往 参 观 南 普 陀 寺 庙 - 位 于 厦 门 老 城 区 的 东 面 , 风 景 妩 媚 动 人 ,反 映 宗 教 文 化 、 侨 乡 文 化 和 近 代 史 的 人 文 景 观 非 常丰 富 。随 后, 前 往 环 岛 路 ,沿 途 海 、沙 滩 、青 草 、绿 树 构 成 一 条 海 滨 渡 假 休 闲 走 廊 。 优 美 的 南 国 风 光 , 使 人 心 旷 神 怡 , 站 在 “ 一 国 两 制 , 统 一 祖 国 ” 的 大 字 面 前 , 让 人 顿 生 祖 国 统 一 之 悠 思 。随 后 , 乘 搭 内 陆 班 机 前 往 武 夷 山 。

第 三 天 武夷山 ( 早 ,午 ,晚 餐 )
早 餐 后 , 前 往 游 览 天 游 峰 、茶 洞 及 云 窝 。 天 游 峰 有 上 、 下 之 分 , 一 览 亭 左 近 方 , 是 为 上 天 游 , 下 了 崎 岖 丘 , 沿 胡 麻 涧 一 带 , 是 为 下 天 游 。午 餐 后 , 游 览 武 夷 山 风 景 区 中 风 景 最 集 中 , 游 客 最 感 兴 趣 的 - 九 曲 溪 , 乘 坐 竹 筏 游 览 , 您 将 悠 然 自 在 的 坐 在 古 朴 的 竹 筏 上 , 观 赏 武 夷 山 美 丽 的 群 峰 。 随 后 , 参 观 武 夷 岩 茶 厂 。

第四天 武夷山 福州 ( 早 ,午 ,晚 餐 )
早 餐 后 , 前 往 参 观 武 夷 宫 , 又 名 会 仙 观 、 冲 佑 观 、 万 年 宫 , 坐 落 在 大 王 峰 的 南 , 前 临 九 曲 溪 口 , 是 历 代 帝 王 祭 祀 武 夷 君 的 地 方 。 随 后 , 游 览 仿 宋 古 街 。 午 餐 后 , 乘 搭 火 车 前 往 福 州 。

第五天 福州 ~ 泉州 ( 早 ,午 ,晚 餐 )
早 餐 后 ,前 往 游 览 林 则 徐 出 生 地。 而 后 前 往 西 湖 。 闽 王 王 审 知 次 子 王 延 钧 继 位 , 在 此 建 造 亭 、 台 、 楼 、 榭 , 湖 中 设 楼 船 , 西 湖 成 为 御 花 园 。 园 内 长 堤 卧 波 , 垂 柳 夹 道 , 按 自 然 行 成 几 个 湖 屿 , 其 间 由 飞 虹 桥 、 步 云 桥 、 玉 带 桥 等 相 连 。 续 程 前 往 游 览 江 滨 路 历 史 文 化 长 廊 及 于 山。 而 后 专 车 前 往 泉 州 。 抵 达 后 , 参 观 洛 阳 桥 及 海 交 馆 - 是 中 国 现 有 唯 一 的 一 座 海 事 博 物 馆 。

第六天 泉州 ~ 漳州 ~ 龙岩 ( 早 ,午 ,晚 餐 )
早 餐 后 , 前 往 游 览 开 元 寺 。 它 规 模 宏 大 , 构 筑 壮 观 , 景 色 优 美 , 曾 与 洛 阳 白 马 寺 、 杭 州 灵 隐 寺 、北 京 广 济 寺 齐 名 。续 程 参 观 东 西 塔 和 天 后 宫 。午 餐 后, 前往 龙 岩 , 途 经 漳 州 游 览 南 山 寺 。

第七天 龙岩 ~ 永定土楼 ~ 厦门 ( 早 ,午 ,晚 餐 )
早 餐 后 , 前 往 参 观 振 成 楼 土 楼 风 情 园 。午 餐 后 ,返 回 厦 门。 抵 达 后 , 前 往 集 美 东 南 海 滨 的 一 个 小岛 - 集 美 鳌 园 、 归 来 堂 , 岛 上 有 一 小 庙 ,叫 鳌 头 宫 ,又 名 千 里 宫 。 鳌 园 园 内 短 墙 、 栏 杆 、亭 柱 处 刻 有 国 家 领 导 人 及 各 界 名 流 题 赠 的 诗 词 对 联 。

第八天 厦门 吉隆坡 ( 早 ,午 ,机 上 便 餐 )
早 餐 后 , 游 览 虎 溪 岩 、 白 鹭 洲 公 园 、 中 山 路 。 午 餐 后 , 送 往 机 场 乘 搭 班 机 飞 返 家 园 。

8天7晚 昆明-大理-丽江

第一天 吉 隆 坡 ~ 昆 明 ( 机 上 用 餐 、晚 餐 )
集合于吉隆坡国际机场 ,乘搭班机飞往风景绮丽的云南省省 会 ~ 昆明 。 抵达后 ,前往游览园通寺 。续程游览金马碧鸡坊和东西寺塔 。

第二天 昆 明 ~ 九 乡 ~ 宜良 ( 早 、午 、晚 餐 )
早餐后 , 前往九乡 , 九乡风景区以溶洞景观为主体 , 洞内自然风光 ,人文景观民族风情融为一体 , 主要景点有荫翠峡 ,地下大峡谷 ,古河穿洞,神田等。 驱车前往宜良。

第三天 宜良 ~ 大石 林 ~ 昆明 (早,午 、晚 餐 )
早餐后 ,游览国家风景区之一的大石林风景区。石林区域广阔,有大石林、小石林、石屏风、剑峰池、石林景区、双鸟渡食、望峰亭等。 午餐后,前往螺丝湾批发市场。旅客们可在此尽情的购物 。

第四天 昆 明 ~ 大 理 ( 早 、午 、晚 餐 )
早餐后 ,前往西山龙门 , 原名碧鸡山 ,位于滇池西岸,公园内峰恋起伏 ,林木繁茂 ,景色秀丽 , 园内主要景点有三清阁、龙门等。 乘车前往大理,接着乘缆车到苍山(感通索道)远观崇圣寺三塔 , 它代表了白族古老的建筑及文化艺术,在山上您也可看到大峡谷和清碧溪及中国象棋大棋盘 。续程前往天龙八部影视城参观。

第五天 大 理 ~ 丽 江 ( 早 、午 、晚 餐 )
早餐后,乘车前往丽江 。 午餐后,续程前往丽江乘搭缆车游览云杉坪,您可尽情端详 ,远远的望着这被世人誉为神山的玉龙雪山 , 山顶终年积雪,为北半球最南端终年积雪的山脉。接着前往白水河 ,您可在此自费乘坐耗牛越河陶醉在大自然的景色。过后 ,前往甘海子和东巴神园参观。
随后,前往游览古朴素雅,被列入世界文化遗产的丽江古城~四方街 , 位于古城的中心点 ,四通八达 ,您可在此购买丽江特产与手信 。

第六天 丽 江 ~ 大 理 ( 早 、午 、晚 餐 )
早餐后,前往参观丽江木王府始建于元朝 , 是丽江纳西族土司的“ 故 宫 ”,也被称为丽江紫禁城 ,是纳西族文化大观楼 。随后,续程前往纳西族家访。 午餐后,乘车前往大理游览喜周民居三道茶歌舞。随后,游览明珠广场-象征民族文化的中心广场花园。

第七天 大 理 ~ 昆 明 ( 早 、午 、晚 餐 )
早餐后 , 前往游览大理古城 ~洋人街 。随后 ,乘车返回昆明。抵达后 ,游览翠湖和大观楼 。

第八天 昆 明~ 吉 隆 坡 ( 早 、午、机 上 用 餐 )
早餐后 ,参观花市。 昆明为中国有名的春城,四季如春、鲜花盛开。午餐后,送往机场乘搭班机返回吉隆坡 。

8 Days 7 Nights Kunming / Dali / Lijiang

Day 01 Kuala Lumpur Kunming (Meals on Board, Dinner)
Assemble at Kuala Lumpur International Airport for your flight to the province city of Yunnan – Kunming. Upon arrival, proceed to Yuantong Temple. After lunch, continue visit to Golden Horses Arches and Donxi Temple Pagoda.

Day 02 Kunming ~ Jiu Xiang ~ YiLiang (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)
Depart for Jiu Xiang by coach. The Jiu Xiang Scenic Area main attractions are Karts cave, natural sight, man made sight and ethic folklore. Major scenic sport include Yincui Gorge, Underground Gorge, river flowing in ancient cave and dirine fields. Leave Jiu Xiang to YiLiang.

Day 03 YiLiang ~ Stone Forest~ Kunming (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)
After breakfast, proceed to Stone Forest Scenic Park. The Stone Forest consists of exceptionally beautiful limestone formations. After lunch, proceed to Luo Si Wan Market.

Day 04 Kunming ~ Dali (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)
After breakfast, visit Western Hill also called Biji Hill is on the west shore of Dianchi Lake. In the park one can see hills covered with dense forest, forming a picturesque scene. Main attraction of the park include Sanqing Pavilion, Dragon Gate etc. Transfer to Dali, take a cable car to Cangshan (Gantong) to view the Three Pagodas of Cangshan Temple represent ancient architecturalart and cultural of the Bai ethnic group. You can also see Cangshan Canyon and Qingbixi River. Continue to visit Tian Long Ba Bu Movie Studio.

Day 05 Dali ~ Lijiang (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)
After breakfast, depart for Lijiang and take a cable way to Yun Shanping to view the scenery of cnow capped “Yulong Snow Mountain”. It is snow capped mountain and the southernmost mountain with snow capped all year round at the Northern Hemisphere. After that, visit Baishui River, Ganhai Lake.and Dongba God Garden. Then, proceed to Ancient Town-Shi Fang Street which has been inscribed on the world heritage list by UNESCO for its well preservation.

Day 06 Lijiang ~ Dali (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)
After breakfast, proceed to Mu Palace. The mansion of king Mu in Lijiang that is a palace belong to Naxi such a headman of appointing national minority hereditary in ancient China. It famed forbidden City of Lijiang. It is magnificent spectacle park of Naxi culture. Continue visit a local Naxi Nationality Family. After lunch, proceed to Dali visit Xi Zhou Old Town, for the 3 courses tea performance. Then, visit Mingzhu Square.

Day 07 Dali ~ Kunming (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)
After breakfast, proceed to Ancient Town. After that, transfer to Kunming. Upon arrival, visit to Cui Lake and Grand View Tower.

Day 08 Kunming Kuala Lumpur (Breakfast/Lunch/Meals on Board)
After breakfast, visit the Flower Market. Kunming is the known as spring city throughout the year and it is famous for varieties of beautiful fresh flower. After lunch, transfer to airport for your flight back to Kuala Lumpur.

8天7晚 昆明, 大理, 丽江, 中甸 (香格里拉) 云南之旅

第一天 吉隆坡-昆明 (晚餐)

第二天 昆明-石林-昆明 (早/午/晚餐)

第三天 昆明-大理 (早/午/晚餐)

第四天 大理-丽江 (早/午/晚餐)

第五天 丽江 (早/午/晚餐)

第六天 丽江-中甸 (早/午/晚餐)

第七天 中甸 (早/午/晚餐)

第八天 中甸-昆明-吉隆坡 (早/午餐)

七天六晚 北京,承德,天津

第1天 :吉隆坡/北京 (机上便餐/晚餐)
早晨集合吉隆坡雪邦国际机场,搭乘豪华客机飞往中国首都-北京。抵达北京国际机场后,由专人专车接往游览天安门广场,天安门城楼挺伟辉煌,气势非凡。广场的左面为军事博物馆,右方则是著名的人民大会堂,广场的正中为人民英雄纪念碑,再向前走就是毛泽东纪念堂。晚餐后,您 将被安排欣赏北京著名的杂技表演。

第2天 :北京 / 故宫 / 颐和园 (早/ 午/ 晚餐)
今天将前往中国现存最大,最完整的皇宫建筑群-故宫。故宫亦称为“紫禁城”,故宫博物院藏有中国历代艺术珍品及明,清两代的历史遗物。故宫内共有9,000多间殿宇,面积达72平方米。午餐后,继续畅游颐和园。颐和园位于北京北部的清代皇家花园及行宫 - 颐和园。颐和园面积之大达290多公顷,是中国现存最大的园林之一。公元1888年慈禧太后挪用海军经费五百万两白银重建,历时整整十年。颐和园北依万寿山,南抱昆明湖,其间点缀着殿堂楼阁,水榭亭桥,全园布局巧妙,以佛香阁为主体,充分利用地形和水面,从假山的堆砌到曲径的走向,从楼阁的配置到桥梁的造型,无不表现了相得益彰整体园林艺术效果。它特有的魅力,肯定吸引你。 晚 餐 后, 游 览王 府 井 大 街, 以 及 夜 市 小 吃 街。住宿于北京。

第3天 :北京 / 十三陵 / 长城 (早/ 午/ 晚餐)
早餐后,您将前往参观另一著名景点明十三陵。明十三陵为一座非常雄伟的地下宫殿,里面珍藏了不少的历史文物,面积为1195平方米,现已经称为定陵博物馆。午餐后,继续前往举世闻名的中国古代伟大建筑 - 万里长城。并攀登其重要关口之一的 八达岭居庸关长 城。长城东起山海关,西至嘉谷关,蜿蜓12,000 华里,故称之为“万里长城”。它自春秋战国时代初建,雄寺中国大地,已有2,700 多年的历史。晚餐享用著名的北京烤鸭。

第4天 :北京/ 天坛 / 承德 (早 / 午 / 晚餐)
早餐后,前往参观中国现存最大的坛庙建筑 - 天 坛。它位于北京城区东南,建于1,420 年,是明清代皇帝祭天,祈祷丰收的地方,它面积273公顷。之后乘三 轮车胡同游。午餐后,你将坐游览车前往承德。晚餐后,夜宿于承德酒店。

第5天 :承德 / 避暑山庄 / 外八庙 / 北京 (早 / 午/ 晚餐)

第6天 :北京 / 天津 / 北京 (早 /午 / 晚餐)
早餐后,将安排你乘坐游览车前往现在北京郊区的著名工业区 - 天津。天津除了其工业发达之外,还有著名的文化古街,此街道全长580米,以天后宫为中心,沿街近百家古色古香的商店。之后,到天津另一条具有特色的街道 - 食品街观光,在这儿,有各种各样的食品,林林总总,任君品赏。著名的“狗不理包子”也可在此品赏到。下午,乘游览车返回北京。

第 7天 :北京 / 吉隆坡 (早/午餐/机上便餐)
早餐后, 退 房, 收 拾 行 李。 上 午 前往雅秀 市 场购 物 闲 逛。 午 餐 后, 由专车接往机场乘搭国际班机返回吉隆坡。祝君旅途愉快。